Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dragoon AF Guide

A Craftsman's Work
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
This is the first Dragoon Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF1.

Start NPC: Miaux - Northern San d'Oria (E-6)
Requirements: Dragoon 40+
Items Needed: None
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, after AF is complete.
Reward: Peregrine

Previous Quest: The Holy Crest
Next Quest: Chasing Quotas

* Talk to Miaux in Northern San d'Oria outside the 2nd floor entrance to the Smithing guild.
* She needs her father's old armor repaired, but needs you to get a Altepa Polishing Stone for the repairs.
* Travel to H-8 in Eastern Altepa Desert. Find and examine the ??? to spawn the NM Decurio I-III. The ??? is on the top level near the ruins in the bottom right corner of the entrance to the Quicksand Caves.
* Defeat Decurio I-III and re-examine the ??? to obtain the Altepa Polishing Stone (key item).
o You do not have to be on dragoon to spawn Decurio I-III.
* Take the Altepa Polishing Stone back to Miaux for your reward.

Chasing Quotas
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
This is the second Dragoon Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF2.

Start NPC: Ceraulian - Port San d'Oria (I-10)
Requirements: Dragoon 50+
Items Needed: Gold Hairpin
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Drachen Brais

Previous Quest: A Craftsman's Work
Next Quest: Knight Stalker and Borghertz's Dragon Hands

* Speak to Ceraulian in Cargo Room A for a cutscene and agree to help him obtain a Gold Hairpin.
* Trade a Gold Hairpin to Ceraulian for a cutscene.
* After Japanese Midnight, talk to Ceraulian again for a cutscene.
* Talk to Miaux in front of the Blacksmiths Guild in Northern San d'Oria for a cutscene. She will give you the Shiny Earring (key item).
* You may now speak with Ceraulian for a clue to visit the Goldsmith's Guild. (Optional)
* Talk to Ardea in front of the Goldsmiths Guild in Bastok Markets and then make your way back to West Ronfaure.
* After arrival in West Ronfaure, speak with Esca located inside the tower at (F-6) for a cutscene.
* Now, you must go to the small island in Batallia Downs, which can only be reached through The Eldieme Necropolis.

* You must have at least one person with you to operate the gates inside of The Eldieme Necropolis.
* In Batallia Downs, go to (J-10) and locate the small cave on the side of the hill. Follow the tunnel into The Eldieme Necropolis. Your goal here is to get to the hole at (G-9).
* There is a switch to manipulate the gates in each of the four large square rooms.
* Wait at (H-9) where lich spawn and face south at the closed Titan's Gate.
* Once there, have someone flip the switch at (H-8) to open Titan's Gate.
* If you require their assistance for the upcoming fight, you will need to operate a second switch in your area at (G-9) before they will be able to join you.
* After everyone who will be taking part in the fight are gathered around (G-9), walk over the center-most grave and fall down the hole.
* If lich and Tomb Wolf aggro you then you must put sneak up before the fall.
* Once your at the bottom, follow the path until a fork and turn right. Proceed south and zone at (J-9) into Batallia Downs.
* Outside on the island, examine the ??? left of the entrance to spawn the NM Sturmtiger.
* The ??? is on the opposite side of the island from the Stone Monument.
* Sturmtiger attacks extremely fast, so blink tanking will be relatively ineffective.
* Highly susceptible to both slow and paralyze.
* Defeat it and examine the ??? again for the Ranchuriome's Legacy (key item). Bring it back to Ceraulian to finish the quest.

Knight Stalker
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
This quest is the final Artifact quest for Dragoon- otherwise known as AF3.

Start NPC: Rahal - Chateau d'Oraguille (H-9)
Requirements: Dragoon 50+ San d'Oria Rank: 2, Bastok/Windurst Rank: 3 or Mission 2-3
Items Needed: None
Title: Paragon of Dragoon Excellence
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Drachen Armet

Previous Quest: Chasing Quotas
Next Quest: None

* Speak with Rahal in Chateau d'Oraguille for a cutscene.
o Rahal is in the Royal Knights' Quarters (to the left after you enter the Chateau).
o You must be Dragoon to flag the quest.
* Speak with Ceraulian (in Cargo Room A) in Port San d'Oria for another cutscene where Brugaire asks you to find the helm of the last Dragoon for him.
* You need to speak to Ceraulian again after the cutscene.
* Go to Kuftal Tunnel and open a coffer to obtain the key item Challenge to the Royal Knights.
o You do not need to be Dragoon when you open the coffer.
* Return to Chateau d'Oraguille and speak with Rahal.
* Speak with Balasiel (F-7) in Southern San d'Oria and then go back and speak to Rahal one more time. At this point Rahal will tell you that you need to find the helm of the last dragoon, and that your wyvern should be able to sense where it is.
o (He doesn't mention a helm or a dragoon at all, only that your Wyvern can sense him somewhere in the south --Joytaru 03:18, 4 November 2008 (UTC))
* Head to the Temple of Uggalepih in Yhoator Jungle.
* You will need your Wyvern out to spawn the NMs. (Call Wyvern)
* Make your way to south to F-11 on the first map and walk through the granite door to the North of F-11 to enter a room in F-9/10. (Note: The ??? here is very close to the one used to spawn the Death from Above NM.)
* Only invisible is needed to make it to this room safely.
* Clear out the tonberries, bees and doll in F-11 and then you are ready to spawn the 2 NM shadows. The Rumble Crawlers aren't aggressive like the ones in Crawler's Nest, so they may be ignored.
* When ready, cast Sneak (or have a mage cast it on you) and hit the ??? on the floor to spawn Cleuvarion M Resoaix and Rompaulion S Citalle.
* The NMs will not link if you spawn them with Sneak active and pull them from afar.
* It is only necessary to Kill Rompaulion S Citalle to complete this Quest (If doing so, let Cleuvarion M Resoaix despawn first before killing it)
* You can also kill Cleuvarion M Resoaix instead and let Rompaulion S Citalle despawn although the warrior is much harder to kill.
* Both NMs are either Highly Resistant to Repose or Immune to it all together.
* After the shadows are dead, touch the ??? again to receive a cutscene and complete the quest. (Please note, that if you get the message, "It seems some kind of ceremony occured here...", you may be too far from the ???. Play around with the angle at which you're standing, and the cutscene will start.)

-Returning to Ceraulian in Port San d'Oria when you are done will trigger a short cutscene with Brugaire, although is not necessary. Rahal will also thank you for solving the mystery behind the last Dragoon.
* Note* If and when you get to fight for the shadows please note that a party thats there can claim one shadow. We killed 1 shadow and a near by party killed the second one. Please note that as of now I do not know which shadow must be killed to trigger cutscene but for my party we killed Rompaulion S Citalle.
* Other NM must despawn before the first dies in order to obtain the cutscene.

Borghertz's Dragon Hands
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Guslam - Upper Jeuno (H-8)
Requirements: Dragoon 50+ Must have started Chasing Quotas quest
Items Needed: Boyahda Coffer Key, Cauldron Coffer Key, Quicksand Coffer Key
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Drachen Finger Gauntlets, Drachen Mail, Drachen Greaves

Previous Quest: Chasing Quotas
Next Quest: None

* Speak to Guslam at H-8 in Upper Jeuno in the Durable Shields shop and accept the quest.

The Hands
* You'll need to head to Boyahda Tree and open a coffer there, so either obtain a Boyahda Coffer Key; or Come as a thief and bring along tools to pick the lock.
* Open a coffer in Boyahda Tree and obtain the Old Gauntlets (key item).
* If you are reacquiring AF or getting AF for another job, skip this portion and proceed to the next step. If this is your first job, do the following:
* Head back to Upper Jeuno and talk to Guslam again, who will tell you he lacks the skill to repair them.
* Deadly Minnow, behind the counter in the same shop as Guslam, will tell you to find a Mithra at the Tenshodo for more information.
* Go to Lower Jeuno and go into the Tenshodo to talk to Yin Pocanakhu at J-8. Pay her 1,000 gil to hear her story.
* Head to Port Jeuno, go downstairs into the Auction House area, and find a ??? on some crates outside the Jeuno Duty-Free Shop (H-8).
* Click on the ??? for a cutscene and ask to have the gloves repaired.
* Go to F-8 in Castle Zvahl Baileys and touch one of the torches to spawn Dark Spark.
* Kill Dark Spark.
* Touch the torch again (make sure you touch the same torch you used to spawn him) to receive the Shadow Flames (key item).
* If other players in the party also need this key item, they can touch the torch as well - you don't have to fight him for each person.
* Head back to Port Jeuno and click on the ??? at the toolbox for a cutscene. This completes the quest.

The Rest
* Guslam mentions something about armor scattered about Vana'diel. You can find two more pieces of armor by simply opening coffers in the following zones:
* Ifrit's Cauldron: Drachen Mail
* Quicksand Caves: Drachen Greaves
* You must have DRG as your main job when you open these coffers.

* You must have started Chasing Quotas (AF2) before you can start this quest.
* If you have any other Borghertz's Hands quest active you will need to complete that one before you can get this quest.
* After starting the quest, you can obtain the rewards in any order.
* The quest is marked complete upon obtaining the gloves.
* The coffer in The Boyahda Tree can be picked by a level 47 Thief using skeleton keys. It took me five attempts to successfully pick the lock this way. Make sure you have a warp method and Perfect Dodge handy in case a fail spawns a Mimic.

(Note: Increases duration of ancient circle by 30 seconds)

(Note: Defensive Wyvern:uses healing breath when HP is at 50% or less
Multipurpose Wyvern:uses healing breath when Hp is at 33% or less
Offensive Wyvern:will use elemental breath to exploit monsters weakness)

Dark Knight AF Guide

Dark Legacy
This is the first Dark Knight Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF1.

Start NPC: Raibaht - Metalworks (G-8)
Requirements: Dark Knight 40+
Items Needed: Yagudo Cherry x 2 (Only one Cherry is needed if you skip the optional portion).
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, after AF is complete.
Reward: Raven Scythe

Previous Quest: Blade of Darkness
Next Quest: Dark Puppet

NOTE: If desired, you can complete the quest Early Bird Catches the Bookworm at the same time as this quest.

* Raibaht, on the 2nd floor of Metalworks in Cid's Laboratory, will ask you to find a book detailing the Darksteel Formula.
* Talk with Mighty Fist in the Darksteel Forge (first room on the left as you enter the Metalworks), who will give you the Letter from the Darksteel Forge (key item).
* Now go see Cochal-Monchal in the West wing of the Optistery in Northern Windurst Waters at F-8.
* Get a Yagudo Cherry from the Auction House or the Kolshushu Regional Vendor
* Head to Giddeus.
o (Optional) Go to the storage room located at G-6 on the second map and speak to Quu Bokye. He will mention Vaa Huja the Erudite and something about Yagudo Cherries. Trading him a Yagudo Cherry will cause him to reveal Vaa Huja the Erudite's location and some semi-interesting info about him.
o Follow the path along the right (West) side of the first map and head to (H-7). Drop down to the lower level and continue heading South to (H-14).
o Make sure to not drop down off the cliff after you exit the cave.
* Clear the area and trade the cherry to the ??? to spawn Vaa Huja the Erudite.
o Vaa Huja the Erudite can be soloed by most jobs 55-60+.
o Died on 75 war after the fight from poison/bio and spell spams.
* Kill Vaa Huja the Erudite, check the ??? again to receive the key item Dark Steel Formula.
* (Optional) Return to Cochal-Monchal in the Optistery in Northern Windurst Waters for a short dialogue.
* Return to the Metalworks and talk to Mighty Fist and then Raibaht to complete the quest.

Dark Puppet
This is the second Dark Knight Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF2.

Start NPC: Cid - Metalworks (G-8)
Requirements: Dark Knight 50+
Items Needed: Darksteel Ingot
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Chaos Sollerets

Previous Quest: Dark Legacy
Next Quest: Blade of Evil and Borghertz's Shadowy Hands

* Talk to Cid to hear comments about the Darksteel Formula you found during the Dark Legacy quest. Raibaht informs Cid that Zeid sent a letter to Cid indicating that he found one of the weapons forged by Gerwitz, the legendary darksteel smith, but it has taken the form of an evil weapon. You must meet Zeid and help him with his task.
* Obtain a Darksteel Ingot. Only one is needed per group.
* Zone into Ordelle's Caves for a cutscene where Zeid comes up to you and tells you that a merchant who had been in the caves was attacked by Gerwitz's Axe.
* Make your way to H-12 on this map and fall down the hole which will put you on a ledge at H-12 on the first map.
* When ready, trade the Darksteel Ingot to the ??? and spawn Gerwitz's Axe. Once traded the ingot is lost, so be sure you are fully prepared for the fight, unless you want to get another ingot.
* Kill Gerwitz's Axe (he can actually be pretty tough, even for two 75's) (tested with average gear 75nin and 75mnk. was a joke of a fight. he got shadows down but ichi recast while he hit me twice. this is pure easy.) and he will drop the Gerwitz's Axe. Whoever spawned the mob should lot on and take the Gerwitz's Axe.
* Notes: Gerwitz Axe has bad evasion and low defense but has good accuracy and can hit pretty hard.
* Has about 7600HP and at 30% of HP he will use Mighty Strikes.
* Can be solo by a NIN75/DNC37 or DRG75/BLU37(Drg must have good defense Gear and must keep Cocoon on).
* Go east and you will find a passageway leading up onto the third map of Ordelle's Caves. Make your way down to H-8 and you'll find another ???.
* When ready, trade the Gerwitz's Axe to the ??? and it will spawn Gerwitz's Sword.
* Kill Gerwitz's Sword and it will drop Gerwitz's Sword. Whoever spawned the mob should lot on and take the Gerwitz's Sword.
* Notes: Gerwitz Sword will use Blood Weapon around 50% of HP and it's not as tough as Gerwitz Axe.
* The final ??? is in H-10 on the same map in the large square room at the south end of the map.
* When ready, trade Gerwitz's Sword to the ??? to spawn Gerwitz's Soul, a Ghost NM around level 54.
* Kill Gerwitz's Soul.
* Exit to La Theine Plateau from the same map at G-10 and you'll get a cutscene, receive your boots, and complete the quest.

Blade of Evil
This is the third Dark Knight Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF3.

Start NPC: Zeid - Beadeaux (G-8)
Requirements: Dark Knight 50+
Items Needed: Quadav Mage Blood
Title: Paragon of Dark Knight Excellence
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Chaos Burgeonet

Previous Quest: Dark Puppet
Next Quest: None

* Head to Beadeaux as a Dark Knight for a cutscene where Zeid will tell you that you must go seek out and destroy Gerwitz's Scythe. (using another job to enter Beadeaux will not trigger the cutscene.)
* Obtain a piece of Quadav Mage Blood, which is dropped by Topaz Quadav.
* If more than one Dark Knight is doing this quest, only one piece of this blood is needed.
* Head to the seventh floor of Middle Delkfutt's Tower and use the teleporter at J-6.
* You should now end up in a small circle room on the Sixth floor (J-6 again).
* When ready, trade the Quadav Mage Blood to the ??? to spawn Gerwitz's Scythe (Weapon NM) and two Scythe Victims (Skeleton).
* Once all 3 mobs are defeated, use the same teleport you used when you came in and you will get a cutscene and will complete the quest.

Important note
* Quadav Mage Blood Farmed as WHM/NIN, no drop 0/50. Talked to a few people who went 1/3. Brought a naked THF/WHM with TH3 and got 1/3. TH seems to be needed for this drop.
* 1/3 on the Quadav Mage Blood farming it as SAM/NIN. Don't need TH for this. Person above states other people have gone 1/3 as well, and this seems true.
* The weapon is a Red Mage job and has Protect and Shell III. It will also use Cure IV a lot.
* Has HP, MP and TP drain add effects on his attacks, low % chance of kicking in.
* One Scythe Victim is a Black Mage and has Ancient Magic and tier two -ga spells.(can be silenced easily.)
* The other Scythe Victim is a Warrior and does not cast.(gravity and bind spells work.)
* Both mobs have access to the normal family abilities
* Both Scythe Victims, as well as Gerwitz's Scythe, seem to be immune or at least highly resistant to Lullaby
* Both Scythe Victims seem to have high resistance to Sleep, Elemental Seal Sleepga was resisted.
* Gerwitz's Scythe is immune to Sleep, was resisted when Elemental Seal was used.(Gravity can stick.)
* Recommended strategy is to have three different people tanking, one to tank the weapon, and two more to hold the victims, with a healer for support, along with other DDs. Pick the skeletons off as fast as possible, then have everyone focus on the weapon. Once the victims are down, it should be just a straight up fight.

* Defeated solo as 75 PLD/NIN with Refresh drinks and meds.
* Defeated solo as 75 RDM/BLU.
* Easily soloed as a 75 NIN/DNC without an Evasion setup.
* Defeated with some difficulty by 75 SAM/DNC, 75 THF/NIN, 62 DRK/SAM.
* Even if you wipe, as long as Gerwitz's Scythe is defeated, you can get the cutscene and complete the quest.
* These mobs cannot be "sneak popped" to fight only the weapon - all three aggro on pop even with sneak. However, it is possible to have the victims "lose hate" by using an avatar - see discussion page.
* If you wipe and Gerwitz's Scythe isn't defeated you need to get another Quadav Mage Blood.

Borghertz's Shadowy Hands
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Guslam - Upper Jeuno (H-8)
Requirements: Dark Knight 50+ Must have started Dark Puppet quest
Items Needed: Eldieme Coffer Key, Oztroja Coffer Key, Davoi Coffer Key
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Chaos Gauntlets, Chaos Cuirass, Chaos Flanchard

Previous Quest: Dark Puppet
Next Quest: None

* Speak to Guslam at H-8 in Upper Jeuno in the Durable Shields shop and accept the quest.

The Hands
* You'll need to head to The Eldieme Necropolis and open a coffer there, so either: Obtain a Eldieme Coffer Key; or Come as a Thief and bring along tools to pick the lock
* Open a coffer in The Eldieme Necropolis and obtain the Old Gauntlets (key item).
* If you are reacquiring AF or getting AF for another job, skip this portion and proceed to the next step. If this is your first job, do the following:
* Head back to Upper Jeuno and talk to Guslam again, who will tell you he lacks the skill to repair them.
* Deadly Minnow, behind the counter in the same shop as Guslam, will tell you to find a Mithra at the Tenshodo for more information.
* Go to Lower Jeuno and go into the Tenshodo to talk to Yin Pocanakhu at J-8. Pay her 1,000 gil to hear her story.
* Head to Port Jeuno, go downstairs into the Auction House area, and find a ??? on some crates outside the Jeuno Duty-Free Shop (H-8).
* Click on the ??? for a cutscene and ask to have the gloves repaired.
* Go to F-8 in Castle Zvahl Baileys and touch one of the torches to spawn Dark Spark.
* Kill Dark Spark.
* Touch the torch again (make sure you touch the same torch you used to spawn him) to receive the Shadow Flames (key item).
* If other players in the party also need this key item, they can touch the torch as well - you don't have to fight him for each person.
* Head back to Port Jeuno and click on the ??? at the toolbox for a cutscene. This completes the quest.

The Rest
* Guslam mentions something about armor scattered about Vana'diel. You can find two more pieces of armor by simply opening coffers in the following zones:
* Castle Oztroja: Chaos Cuirass
* Monastic Cavern: Chaos Flanchard
* You must have DRK as your main job when you open these coffers. If you have another Borghertz's Hands quest active you may also obtain Chaos Cuirass and Chaos Flanchard if you have completed DRK AF2 and your main job is DRK at the time you open the coffer.

* You must have started Dark Puppet (AF2) before you can start this quest.
* If you have any other Borghertz's Hands quest active, you will need to complete that one before you can get this quest.
* After starting the quest, you can obtain the rewards in any order.
* The quest is marked complete upon obtaining the gloves.

(Note: increases duration of Arcane Cirlce by 30 seconds)

(Note: adds an addtional 2% Hp converted to damage by Soul Eater (Caps at 12%)

Dancer AF Guide

The Unfinished Waltz
This is the first Dancer Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF1.

Start NPC: Laila - Upper Jeuno (G-7)
Requirements: Dancer Level 40+
Items Needed: None
Title: Promising Dancer
Repeatable: unknown
Reward: War Hoop

Previous Quest: Lakeside Minuet
Next Quest: The Road to Divadom

* Talk to Laila at (G-7) in Upper Jeuno. She tells you to find a way to make your dance "shine."
* Next, talk to Rhea Myuliah right beside her.
* Travel to Grauberg (S) and check the ??? at (F-5) for a cutscene. Avoid Truesight Hippogryph mobs along the way. (Your main job MUST be set to DNC to receive the cutscene.)
o You can use a rental Chocobo from Bastok Markets (S) or Pashhow Marshlands (S) to avoid the Truesight mobs along the way.
* Check the ??? again to spawn Migratory Hippogryph. If you zone before doing so, it will not spawn; you will have to check the ??? as DNC for the cutscene an additional time.
o There are many Sidhe in the area of the ???. They will not cure you during the fight.
* Migratory Hippogryph can easily be soloed by Dancer 60+ using standard evasion gear.
o Easily soloed by 75 BLM/RDM.
o Soloed by 50DNC/25NIN used Trance at start of fight to be able to use steps and sambas and have chance to build TP, his accuracy was somewhat low.
o Soloed by Tarutaru 40DNC/20NIN with help of Soothing Healer NPC. No 2 hour. No food. Started battle with 0% TP. Used standard level 40 equipments & Tarutaru RSE armor. Exciting fight.
* NM appears to be susceptible to Ninjutsu enfeebles. Blind, paralyze and slow all connected.
* Check the ??? again after defeating it to receive "The Essence of Dance" key item.
o In parties in which more than one person has activated the quest, the Hippogryph NM must only be defeated once per party/alliance in order for all Dancers on the quest to get the second cutscene and the key item. Just be sure that everyone has examined the ??? at least once for the initial cutscene.
o It is not possible to get the initial cutscene on Dancer, switch jobs to fight the NM, then switch back to Dancer after you've killed it to obtain the 2nd cutscene and key item.
* If someone has just defeated the NM, it may take a few minutes for the ??? to spawn another.
* Navigate to the permanent key item menu and actually "read" the key item.
* Talk to Laila at (G-7) in Upper Jeuno to receive a War Hoop (you must examine the key item in order to get the cutscene).

The Road to Divadom
This is the second Dancer Artifact Armor quest.

Start NPC: Laila - Upper Jeuno (G-7)
Requirements: Dancer level 50+
Items Needed: Yagudo Glue
Title: Stardust Dancer
Repeatable: unknown
Reward: Dancer's Tights

Previous Quest: The Unfinished Waltz
Next Quest: Comeback Queen

* After finishing The Unfinished Waltz, you must zone and wait 1 game day before this quest will activate.
* Talk to Laila at (G-7) in Upper Jeuno. (Note: Dancer Must be main job for CS to activate) She tells you to find a musician.
* Zone into Jugner Forest (S) for a cutscene.
* Go to the Glowing Pebbles at (I-5) and click them for a cutscene. The Shrouded Piper asks you to bring him a Block of Yagudo Glue
* To get to (I-5), you need to zone in from Batallia Downs (S) (Not true, you can follow the road E from the recall point and climb the steps of the tower then jump down on the opposite side of the dividing wall. Much faster.)
o You may be any job to get this cutscene, but must be Dancer to trade the Block of Yagudo Glue to the Glowing Pebbles.
o The Yagudo Glue drops off Bard-type Yagudo in the past areas. Yagudo Pipers are the lowest level enemies that drop the glue, and can be found right outside the entrance to Giddeus in West Sarutabaruta (S) in 3 spawn locations; however a much larger concentration of these monsters are in Castle Oztroja (S).(the yagudo in Castle Oztroja (S) are lvl 77-79. take precautions.)
+ You do not need to be on Dancer for the Yagudo Glue to drop.
* Once you have obtained the Yagudo Glue, trade it to the Glowing Pebbles in Jugner Forest (S) at (I-5)
* Speak with Laila again to receive Dancer's Tights.

Comeback Queen
This is the third Dancer Artifact Armor quest.

Start NPC: Laila - Upper Jeuno (G-7)
Requirements: Dancer level 50+
Items Needed: none
Title: Elegant Dancer
Repeatable: unknown
Reward: Dancer's Casaque

Previous Quest: The Road to Divadom
Next Quest: A Furious Finale

* You have to wait until the next game day after completing The Road to Divadom quest.
* Speak with Laila in Upper Jeuno (G-7) for a cutscene and a key item: Wyatt's Proposal
* Head for Bastok Markets (K-10) and speak with Harmodios (K-10), in Harmodios' Music Shop, for another cutscene.
* Return to Laila for yet another cutscene.
* Speak with Rhea Myuliah in Upper Jeuno (G-7) for another cutscene where you can practice your performance.

* Practice performance: There are multiple NPCs watching both the Valeriano and Brilioth troupes. Performing certain dances will attract certain age groups of the NPCs away from the Valeriano troupe. The goal is to have the biggest audience in the end. Regularly, you will be asked what kind of dance to do: Jigs, which children like, Waltzes, which young men/women like and Sambas, which older people like. These options come in the form of a menu listed in the following order: Waltz, Samba, Jig. A sixty-second clock will accompany this menu in the upper-right corner of your screen. The ability to quickly select the dance you want to do will allow you to do more dances within this time limit and garner more favor from the crowd. You may practice as often as you like.

* Wait for the Vana'diel day to change, then speak with Laila again for a cutscene where you perform for real (just bouncing between Jigs and Waltzes worked well for me...didn't mind the old people).
* Audience is comprised of 3 children, 3 young men/women and 2 older people. Set your focus on Jigs and Waltzes so 6 of 8 will watch your performance and you'll win for sure.
* If you succeed, you will be rewarded with the Dancer's Casaque.

The Rest:
Dancer's Bangles:
Must be lvl 50 Dancer and have completed quest The Road to Divadom.
Talk to Olgald in Upper Jeuno (G-7) to activate the quest. He will tell you of a tailor in Bastok Markets named Matthias (J-9).
Matthias will require the following items to make your order:

* Square of Karakul Cloth
* Square of Rainbow Cloth
* Square of Rainbow Velvet

* You must wait 1 game day and change zones
* You can order Dancer's Tiara or Dancer's Shoes immediately after obtaining this part of the Dancer Artifact Armor.
* You can only have Matthias craft one item at a time, and once chosen, you cannot cancel it.

Dancer's Tiara:
Must be lvl 50 Dancer and have completed quest The Road to Divadom.
Talk to Olgald in Upper Jeuno (G-7) to activate the quest. He will tell you of a tailor in Bastok Markets named Matthias (J-9).
Matthias will require the following items to make your order:

* Square of Imperial Silk Cloth
* Square of Wolf Felt
* Square of Silver Brocade

* You must wait 1 game day and change zones
* You can order Dancer's Bangles or Dancer's Shoes immediately after obtaining this part of the Dancer Artifact Armor.
* You can only have Matthias craft one item at a time, and once chosen, you cannot cancel it.

Dancer's Toe Shoes:
Must be lvl 50 Dancer and have completed quest The Road to Divadom.
Talk to Olgald in Upper Jeuno (G-7) to activate the quest. He will tell you of a tailor in Bastok Markets named Matthias (J-9).
Matthias will require the following items to make your order:

* Square of Wamoura Cloth
* Square of Moblinweave
* Square of Gold Brocade

* You must wait one game day and change zones
* You can order Dancer's Bangles or Dancer's Tiara immediately after obtaining this part of the Dancer Artifact Armor.
* You can only have Matthias craft one item at a time, and once chosen, you cannot cancel it.

(Note:Boost to Step Accuracy VERY noticeable)

(Note: The enhancement to samba duration will remain in effect if the dancer's Tiara is removed after samba is cast: adds ~30 seconds to duration)

(Note: Chocobo Jig: Duration increases to 25%
Spectral Jig: Duration increased by approximately 100%)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Corsair AF Guide

Equipped for All Occasions
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: ??? - Arrapago Reef (H-10), CS NPC Qultada
Requirements: Corsair 40+
Items Needed:
Title: None
Repeatable:Yes, after AF memory erased
Reward: Trump Gun

Previous Quest: Luck of the Draw
Next Quest: Navigating the Unfriendly Seas

1. Head to the ??? at (H-10) of the first map of Arrapago Reef (the same ??? used in Luck of the Draw) as Corsair, level 40 or higher.
2. Examine the ??? for a cutscene, during which you will be presented with three choices: Maze of Shakhrami, Gusgen Mines, or Ordelle's Caves. Choose the Maze of Shakhrami (the only correct choice).
* Note: Even if you make the wrong choice, you will still be able to pop the Lost Soul in the Maze of Shakhrami.
3. Head to (K-9) of the second map of the Maze of Shakhrami and examine the Iron Door to spawn the NM, Lost Soul. (Note: You don't need to be Corsair to spawn the NM.)
4. After defeating the Lost Soul, examine the Iron Door again for another cutscene, in which you will be given the key item, Wheel Lock Trigger.
5. Return to the ??? in Arrapago Reef for another cutscene. (Note: You don't need to be Corsair to get this cutscene.)
6. Head to Shararat Teahouse in Aht Urhgan Whitegate and speak with Ratihb for your reward.
* Note: If you had not previously received the final cutscene from Ratihb after finishing Luck of the Draw, you will need to complete that cutscene first, then speak with Ratihb again to obtain the Trump Gun.

Navigating the Unfriendly Seas
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: ??? - Arrapago Reef (H-10), CS NPC Zweeha
Requirements: Corsair 50+, Equipped for All Occasions completed
Items Needed: Hydrogauge
Title: None
Repeatable: No
Reward: Corsair's Culotte

Previous Quest: Equipped for All Occasions
Next Quest: Against All Odds

1. After completing Corsair AF1 Quest, return to Arrapago Reef's ??? as Corsair 50+. If you head out from Nashmau, you may want to set your home point there, as you can warp out from Arrapago Reef and complete the next necessary steps in Nashmau.
2. Examine the ??? for a cutscene. You will be told you need a Hydrogauge.
3. Fish up a Hydrogauge. You can fish up a Hydrogauge in several locations including Al Zahbi, Whitegate, Nashmau, and on the ferry between Whitegate and Nashmau. The Hydrogauge gave the text "You're positive you don't have enough skill to reel this on in." with 0 fishing skill. You will know it is the right one because the gauge will drop in about two seconds and the rod will not sway back and forth rapidly.
* This does not require any Fishing skill level, and can be completed with several types of fishing rod and bait. See confirmed combinations below:
* It is possible to fish up Hydrogauge from Al Zahbi, Whitegate, and Nashmau using a Tarutaru Fishing Rod and a Little Worm.
* Hydrogauge was fished up on first try with Halcyon Rod and a Little Worm.
* Hamsi likes to bite on Lugworm. To avoid catching actual fish, Little Worm and Rogue Rig are better choices.
* A Composite Fishing Rod with a Minnow can also fish up a Hydrogauge.
* Lu Shang's Fishing Rod with a Worm Lure also works, fished up in two casts from the dock in Nashmau.
* Yew Fishing Rod with a Lugworm works in Nashmau.
* Fished up Hydrogauge on 2nd try with a Composite Fishing Rod and Little Worm while waiting for the ship to Nashmau. Gave the text "You have a good feeling about this one!"
4. After fishing up your Hydrogauge, trade your Hydrogauge to Leleroon at Nashmau (G-7).
5. Next, head to the Leypoint in Wajaom Woodlands at (G-8), and trade the Hydrogauge to the Leypoint. You will receive the message "You set the Hydrogauge in the glowing trench." (Note: You don't need to trade this as a Corsair, so the Leypoint can be conveniently warped to by any 60+ job using an Olduum Ring.)
6. Wait until the following day (after midnight Japan time) and re-examine the Leypoint.
7. Next, return to Zweeha by once again examining Arrapago Reef's ???. (Note: You don't need to check this as Corsair.)

* Note: After completing this quest and flagging Against All Odds, you are able to get the next 3 pieces of AF, one by one, by selecting the Item from Leleroon in Nashmau.Each Item will be crafted by an NPC, each in a different Nation, (first Windurst, then Bastok, and finally San d'Oria). In each Nation, you will be required to trade a few specific Items and Imperial Coins to a House and waiting till Midnight JST to get your reward. These have to be done before doing the Against All Odds quest for the Corsair's Tricorne. To see the specific items, check out the individual pages for each Corsair AF.

Against All Odds
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Ratihb - Aht Urhgan Whitegate (J-12),
Cutscene NPC Zweeha
Requirements: Corsair 50 + , completed Navigating the Unfriendly Seas
Items Needed:
Title: Paragon of Corsair Excellence
Repeatable: No
Reward: Corsair's Tricorne

Previous Quest: Navigating the Unfriendly Seas
Next Quest: Breaking the Bonds of Fate (Maat Fight for Corsair)

1. Head to Aht Urhgan Whitegate and approach the Shararat Teahouse at (J-12) as Corsair after completing Navigating the Unfriendly Seas to receive a cutscene with Zweeha and receive Life Float key item. This key item grants you access to a 6 person BCNM fight.
* Note that if you do fail the BC on The Ashu Talif, you can only obtain one key item per real life day. If you received your key item, attempted the BC and failed in the same real life day, you must wait until the next JST Midnight to receive another key item by talking to Ratihb, then you can gain access to re-enter the BC.
2. Next you must get to the Cutter BC. The easiest way is through Nyzul Isle Staging Point. Take the Teleporter at (G-8), then take the right Teleporter and zone out into Caedarva Mire.
* This staging point is a bit safer than the Dvucca Isle Staging Point due to there being no aggro in the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins, and once in Caedarva Mire, you only need Sneak and to avoid using Job Abilities and Weapon Skills around the Ephramadian Shades.
3. Next, head out into Caedarva Mire and run straight to the entrance of Arrapago Reef at (G-9) (entrance 3 on the map).
4. Once in Arrapago Reef, go straight and to the right. You will see a ship on your left (H-8). Walk up to it and get a cutscene.
5. After the cutscene, walk up to the ship itself. When ready, click on the "Cutter" to enter the BCNM. You are now on The Ashu Talif. You have time to buff and rest before engaging Yazquhl and Gowam. This fight has a 30 minute time limit.

* The fight is capped at 75, so buffs will wear upon entry. Up to 6 players are allowed in. You will face 1 Hume WAR Yazquhl and 1 Galka BLU Gowam.
* Both the Galka and Hume are HIGHLY resistant to Sleep and Silence, even with the use of Elemental Seal. Lullaby may still work.
* Susceptible to Gravity and Bind.
* Red Lotus Blade, and Burning Blade both completely go through shadows and often time open the Scission Skillchain for Vorpal Blade to close if two people are tanking close to one another. Seraph Blade and Shining Blade also go through shadows. It is probably safe to assume all of their Weapon Skills go through shadows.
* Yazquhl will use Mighty Strikes at about 50-60% HP.
* Gowam will use Azure Lore at 50% HP and begin to spam spells, but he is easily interrupted with regular hits or Stun.

* Duoable by a skilled level 75 RDM/NIN and 75 NIN. The RDM/NIN kites the BLU until the WAR is dead, while the NIN watches for WSs and BLU spells, timing shadows appropriately. Blade: Jin from a merited NIN with attack gear did about 950-1000 damage.
* Duoable by a 75 NIN/WAR and 75 DNC/NIN. Trance may be necessary at the start just in case Vorpal Blade goes off early. NIN enfeebles both BLU and WAR, which may cause the NIN to be tanking both for a while. Easiest with the NIN tanking the WAR and the DNC tanking the BLU. After 2~4 Curing Waltz IV the DNC will most likely be tanking both WAR and BLU until one dies.
* Very easily done by a level 75 PLD, 75 RDM/NIN, 75 SMN, and 75 BLM. The RDM/NIN kites the BLU with Gravity and Bind. The BLM can back up the RDM if there is any unexpeceted trouble.
* Duoable by a level 75 NIN and 75 SMN with the SMN kiting the BLU. Astral Flow may be needed. Predator Claws did about 1500-1600+ damage while Chaotic Strike did 1100-1700+ damage to both.
* Done as a trio of Two 73 BST and one 69 BRD with only minor difficulties; Bst's go at the War with all they have while the BRD kites the Blu around. Watch out for their "shared hate" in that it seems after some time they both convene on one target. (The BRD need not hold the BLU for long, provided the BST's can take War down fairly easilly)

6. After the BCNM, you get a cutscene, receive the Corsair's Tricorne, and will be released at (H-11) in Arrapago Reef.

The Rest:

Corsair's Frac:
* After flagging the Against All Odds quest, speak with Leleroon, and choose the Frac. He'll give you the Key Item: Leleroon's Letter (Red).
* Head to Port San d'Oria and speak with Raqtibahl in the Rusty Anchor Pub.
* He will ask you for the following materials:

o Gold Chain
o Velvet Cloth
o Red Grass Cloth
o Sailcloth

* After trading him those items, he will ask for 1 Imperial Gold Piece as a fee.
* Wait until Midnight JST and speak with Raqtibahl again to obtain your Frac.
* (Note: You must first complete your current COR AF item with Leleroon, before you can start the next one. E.G: You have to finish making your frac before you can start the Corsair's Bottes Quest.)

Corsair's Gants:
* After flagging the Against All Odds quest, speak with Leleroon, and choose the Gants. He'll give you the Key Item: Leleroon's Letter (Green).
* Head to D-7 in the southern map of Windurst Waters. Check the front door of the eastern house for a Cutscene.
* Zhuk Vojahom will ask you for the following materials:

o Gold Thread
o Karakul Leather
o Red Grass Cloth
o Wamoura Silk

* After trading those items to the door, you are asked for 4 Imperial Mythril Pieces as a fee.
* Wait until Midnight JST, as well as changing zones, then check the door again to obtain the Gants.
* (Note: You must first complete your current COR AF item with Leleroon, before you can start the next one. E.G.: You have to finish making your Gants before you can start the Corsair's Bottes Quest.)

Corsair's Bottes:
* After flagging the Against All Odds quest, speak with Leleroon, and choose the Bottes. He'll give you the Key Item: Leleroon's Letter (Blue).
* To get in contact with the NPC for your bottes, go to Bastok Mines and examine the door on the second floor at (I-7).
* Watzahl will ask for the following materials:

o Laminated Buffalo Leather
o Mythril Sheet
o Karakul Leather
o Wolf Felt

* After you trade those items to the door at (I-7) you will be asked to bring 4 Imperial Mythril Pieces.
* Wait until midnight JST, as well as changing zones, then speak with the door again. You will get another cutscene, in which you'll be given the Bottes.
* (Note: You must first complete your current COR AF item with Leleroon, before you can start the next one. E.G.: You have to finish making your bottes before you can start the Corsair's Frac Quest.)

(Note: Enhances Quickdraw damage by 40)

Blue Mage AF Guide

From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
This is the first Blue Mage Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF1.

Start NPC: Waoud - Aht Urhgan Whitegate (J-10);
Cutscene NPC Raubahn
Requirements: Blue Mage Level 40+
Items Needed:
Title: Branded by the Five Serpents
Repeatable: Yes, by erasing AF memory
Reward: Immortal's Scimitar

Previous Quest: An Empty Vessel
Next Quest: Omens


NOTE: You must have completed mission Immortal Sentries to get the cutscene and approach all NPCs as a blue mage. In addition if you are viewing the extra cutscene you get after completing the job quest for the first time, you have to wait till the next game day before being able to receive this quest.
* Speak with Waoud and choose "Gaze away" to have him tell your fortune.
* After three in-game days, speak to Waoud again and choose "Gaze away" as before. During the cutscene that follows, choose "I have" and you will be told to visit the five original Staging Points. You must zone before speaking to Waoud for this cutscene; otherwise he'll just repeat the original Q&A used to unlock the blue mage job.
* Note: Be sure not to talk to him in between the three in-game days or else you will have to go through the question-and-answer cutscene you did to first unlock blue mage, and then pay him 1,000 gil.
* Note: If you start down the question-and-answer path accidentally, you can disconnect/crash your client without fear of breaking the quest progression.
* Note: Did this quest on 9/13/08 and did not have to wait three game days after the initial cutscene to get the brands or the sword.
* Note: You can just zone into Mog House and go back for the second CS you dont need to wait 3days.
* Check your "Quest" menu to make sure you get the quest.
* Visit each staging point and speak with the Immortal Sentry at each. They will each give you a key item "Brand." If at any time you want to know what brands you've already acquired, you can go to Permanent Key Items and check them off.

* Brand of the Springserpent (Ilrusi Atoll Staging Point) - Meyaada
* Brand of the Galeserpent (Dvucca Isle Staging Point) - Nahshib
* Brand of the Flameserpent (Halvung Staging Point) - Waudeen
* Brand of the Skyserpent (Mamool Ja Staging Point) - Daswil
* Brand of the Stoneserpent (Azouph Isle Staging Point) - Nareema

* You must have Blue Mage as your main job to get the cutscene from each Immortal.
* After receiving all five brands, return to Waoud for a final cutscene and your reward.

From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
This is the second Blue Mage Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF2.

Start NPC: Waoud - Aht Urhgan Whitegate (J-10);
Cutscene NPC Raubahn
Requirements: Blue Mage Level 50+; completed Beginnings
Items Needed:
Title: Immortal Lion
Repeatable: No
Reward: Magus Charuqs

Previous Quest: Beginnings
Next Quest: Transformations

* Wait until Japanese midnight after completing Beginnings. Also be sure to zone or you will just get divination again.
* Speak to Waoud as a blue mage for a cut scene.
o Note: You do not need to be a blue mage to fight the Immortal Flan.
* Head to Navukgo Execution Chamber and find the Decorative Bronze Gate. Here you will fight 1~2 Immortal Flan.
* Note: To get to Navukgo Execution Chamber, you need to pass through the gate in Mount Zhayolm. For this you will need a Cast Metal Plate. To get the cast metal plate, touch the Gates of Halvung first, and then find the ???. You must touch the gate closest to the ??? to get the cast metal plate, there are two Gates of Halvung.
* To get to Navukgo Execution Chamber, go to the Halvung Staging Point, and pass the gate at J-7. then proceed to G-7 and zone into Halvung.
* From G-7 in Halvung, proceed to E-7 And zone out back into Mount Zhayolm.
* From E-6 in Mount Zhayolm, head to D-8 in Mount Zhayolm and zone into Navukgo Execution Chamber (see map).
* Easier Alternative Route: (this route doesn't require a Cast Metal Plate and is a lot less work.)
* Take the Runic Portal to Nyzul Isle, then head to (H-8) on the map. Take the teleporter found there.
* Once through, take the east teleporter. From there, take the west teleporter. Finally, take the west teleporter one more time, followed by south to exit to Mount Zhayolm @ (G-7).
* Follow the tunnel keeping to the right wall until you come outside then follow the left wall to the zone into Halvung at G-7. Now follow route as above through Halvung and Mount Zhayolm to Navukgo Execution Chamber.

* Enter the battlefield via the Decorative Bronze Gate. The battle is uncapped with a 30 minute time limit and you can enter with up to 18 people. Buffs cast outside the battle field will remain.
* The Immortal Flan is a black mage, has about 4,000 HP and will use Sleepga.
* Note: The number of Immortal Flan spawned depends on how many people enter the battlefield. (For every 3 people, there is 1 Immortal Flan.)

* After the Immortal Flan is defeated, go back to Aht Urhgan Whitegate and speak with Waoud for another cutscene. You will receive a Sealed Immortal Letter to deliver to a master craftsman.
* Go to Lathuya (Aht Urhgan Whitegate, F-8, 2nd floor) and she'll say her boss is fishing in Aydeewa Subterrane.
* Go to Wajaom Woodlands and enter Aydeewa Subterrane at K-9. Head north until you see a lake and select the blank targetable spot for a cutscene. Don't worry about Sneak or Invis, the only monster you might encounter is a leech perched up on a cliff, merely staring with its beady eyes.
* Go back to Aht Urhgan Whitegate, talk to Lathuya for your reward.

From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Waoud - Aht Urhgan Whitegate (J-10));
CS NPC Raubahn
Requirements: 50+ Blue Mage, Omens completed
Items Needed: 2 - Imperial Silver Piece
Title: Paragon of Blue Mage Excellence
Repeatable: No
Reward: Magus Keffiyeh, Magus Bazubands, Magus Shalwar, Magus Jubbah

Previous Quest: Omens
Next Quest: The Beast Within (Final Fight Like Maat)

* After waiting until Japanese midnight after completing Omens, speak with Waoud as Blue Mage and ask for a divination by selecting "gaze away". You will not get a cut scene, but he'll say "Your fate lies beyond the gate of nobility". This costs you 1000 gil, like a normal divination would.
* Go to the Imperial Whitegate at (L-8) and check it for a cut scene.

* Note: After checking Imperial Whitegate and receiving the cutscene, you can now speak to Lathuya to get another CS so that you can have the remaining three artifact pieces crafted. Each piece requires materials and Imperial currency. When trading these items to Lathuya, trade the Synthesis Materials first, then you'll have to trade the respective fee to her second. The pieces are:

Magus Bazubands: Platinum Sheet, Velvet Cloth, Karakul Leather, Venom Potion, 2 x Imperial Mythril Piece

Magus Shalwar: 1 x Gold Chain, 1 x Velvet Cloth, 1 x Flan Meat, 1 x Imperial Silk Cloth, 2 x Imperial Mythril Piece

Magus Jubbah: Velvet Cloth, Chimera Blood, Karakul Cloth, Imperial Silk Cloth, 4 x Imperial Mythril Piece

* Note: After trading the proper materials and fee to Lathuya you will have to wait and come back the following game day to receive your Magus armor piece. Furthermore, you will have to wait until Midnight JP time before you can have the next Magus piece crafted.

How to obtain Magus Keffiyeh
* Note: Be sure to have either: a Remnants Permit, a Captain Wildcat Badge, or 1 Imperial Silver Piece per person prior to leaving on your journey as you will need access to Alzadaal Undersea Ruins. (Have all other party members helping get one also.)

The first part can be done solo, you need 1 of the items listed above for entering Alzadaal Undersea Ruins; alternative route is to utilize a runic portal to Nyzul Isle Staging Point.
* Go to Nashmau by boat and Exit at the East Gate, or take the Azouph Isle Staging Point.
* Head to J-10 in Caedarva Mire and enter the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins. Trade Tyamah 1 Imperial Silver Piece to enter.
* Continue down to the main room for another cut scene.
* Take the right telepad the one to the West and make your way to the exit of the room to get another cut scene.

Nyzul Isle Staging Point
After taking the Nyzul Isle Staging Point goto (H-8)
Continue to the left portal
Continue to the left portal
Head for the "Gilded Doors" for a cut screen.
After cut screen take the left portal
Head for the "Gilded Doors" for a cut screen.

The second part needs a party, everyone needs 1 of the items listed above for entering Alzadaal Undersea Ruins.
* Go back to Nashmau, and take the western exit out of the town into Caedarva Mire.
* Continue west to E-11 and enter the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins. Trade Nasheefa 1 Imperial Silver Piece to enter.
* Take the first teleport to the right on the first map.
* Alternative Route: Warp to the Dvucca Isle Staging Point and follow the left wall into the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (entrance two, second map). You'll still need an Imperial Silver Piece, but you avoid having to go to Nashmau this way if you are doing the solo part and the fight at two different times.
* Click on the blank selectable target at G-7 to spawn the Nepionic Soulflayer.
(The fight has to be done only once for everyone with the quest.) (Do not need to be Blue Mage to spawn Nepionic Soulflayer - tested April 12, 2008.)
* Check the selectable target again to receive your Magus Keffiyeh.

Enhances monster correlation adds 0.02 to spell's multiplier when that spell from which family it's learned is stronger than the family of the monster being fought. When the situation is reversed, Magus Keffiyeh does not reduce the power of your spell by any amount.

Blackmage AF Guide

The Three Magi
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Chumimi - Heavens Tower
Requirements: Black Mage Level: 40+
Items Needed: Glowstone
Title: Doctor Shantotto's Supporter; Professor Koru-Moru Supporter; Yoran-Oran's Supporter
Repeatable: Yes, by erasing AF memory
Reward: Casting Wand

Previous Quest: None.
Next Quest: Recollections

* Head over to Windurst Walls, enter Heavens Tower and head to the right and go down the stairs, until it ends and you see the NPC Chumimi.
* Talk to Chumimi and watch a cutscene with Shantotto, Koru-Moru, and Yoran-Oran
* You will be given an option to agree with one. It doesn't matter with whom you agree, as the message "No one paid any attention to you." will be displayed.
* When you choose to side with an NPC, you will receive a title from that NPC.
o Choosing Shantotto will grant you the title "Doctor Shantotto Supporter"
* At the end of the cutscene, Shantotto will ask you to go toss a Faded Crystal into the gorge in Xarcabard, and bring back a Glowstone.
* Grab any type of crystal and travel to any Crag (Holla, Mea, or Dem) or any Teleport Crystal (Altepa, Vahzl, Yhoat, Jugner, Pashh, Meriph) and trade the crystal that you have chosen to the teleport crystal to receive a Faded Crystal.
* Travel to Xarcabard and head west to (E-8) and look for two ???. You want the one that's inside the gorge. You do not want the one that's on a cliff with the torch.
* There may be some Demon Pawns and Demon Knights at the ??? so be ready to fight, just in case.
* Note: If you are doing this with 2 or more BLM's the ??? stays in place but there is a 10 minute time limit before you can trade and repop the Chaos Elemental.
* Trade the Faded Crystal to the ??? and a Chaos Elemental will appear.
* Kill the Chaos Elemental and obtain the Glowstone.
* Return the Glowstone to Chumimi, who will tell you that Shantotto left the Casting Wand for you.

From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Chumimi - Heavens Tower
Requirements: Black Mage Level: 50+
Items Needed: Bag of Seeds, Whine Cellar Key
Title: None.
Repeatable: Yes, by erasing AF memory
Reward: Wizard's Sabots

Previous Quest: The Three Magi
Next Quest: The Root of the Problem and Borghertz's Sorcerous Hands

* Talk to Chumimi in Heavens Tower to get a cutscene. Zoning out of the tower is required after finishing The Three Magi quest.
* (Optional) Travel to Ru'Lude Gardens and talk to Laityn at G-9 to get another cutscene.
* Travel to Crawlers' Nest and kill a Water Elemental or Fire Elemental and obtain a Bag of Seeds.
o To avoid wasting time, use the Weather Reporter NPCs to find out when there will be weather in Rolanberry Fields (and thus Crawler's Nest).
o Note: Weather can be really weird sometimes and it may not pop for the 5 following hours.
* After you get the Bag of Seeds, go back to Heavens Tower and give it to Chumimi.
* You must next go to Castle Zvahl Baileys and kill a Demon Commander, Demon General, Demon Magistrate, or Demon Chancellor and obtain the Whine Cellar Key.
* Bring the Whine Cellar Key to Castle Zvahl Keep. Hug the right wall to the 1st "Iron Bar Gate". Go in it, turn right and continue around. Just before the next "Iron Bar Gate" there is an "Ore Door" on the left. Use the Whine Cellar Key at the "Ore Door" for a cutscene, at which point you will obtain the key item Foe Finder Mark I.
o You do not have to be on Black Mage as your main job to complete any part of the quest, aside from the first cutscene with Chumimi, you will need to be Black Mage to start it.
* After the cutscene, bring the Foe Finder Mark I back to Chumimi in Heavens Tower to get your reward.

The Root of the Problem
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Chumimi - Heavens Tower
Requirements: Black Mage Level: 50+
Items Needed: Silk Cloth
Title: Paragon of Black Mage Excellence
Repeatable: Yes, by erasing AF memory
Reward: Wizard's Petasos

Previous Quest: Recollections
Next Quest: None.

* Talk to Chumimi in Heavens Tower to get a cutscene. Zoning is required after finishing the Recollections quest.
* Then talk to Koru-Moru at (E-7) in Windurst Walls and trade him a Silk Cloth.
* Go back to Chumimi for another cutscene. You will receive a Sluice Surveyor Mark I (key item), which is a magic doll.
* Go into Toraimarai Canal via the Three Mage Gate (or through Windurst Walls if you have the Rhinostery Certificate) and find the three ???.

Note: For this part, you have to be on BLM to check the first two ??? (since you will have to use Manafont at one point). The NM however can be spawned as any job, so after you check the ???s, you can still change job and come back to fight it.

* The first is at (H-7), fairly close to the Horutoto entrance. Check it and get a cutscene where the doll absorbs the magic. To get the cutscene, you must be on the same side of the gate as the ??? (the Dark Aspic CAN be on either side of the gate.) You can receive text from either side, but only one side will give the cutscene. In addition, this may be the cutscene that requires Manafont, effectively switching cutscene mentioned below. Don't use Manafont unless told to from the cutscene!
* The second is at (I-9) on the same map, on the west side of that gate. Once you get there check it once for the first cutscene, the doll will say that she needs you to use your BLM powers and the cutscene will end. Use Manafont and check it again, and watch another cutscene. This is the only portion of the quest that requires you to be BLM. You may leave the canal after this and return as another job to fight the NM.
* Head to the third ??? at (J-8). When you examine it, the NM Magic Sludge will spawn. The NM is like all other elementals in that it's highly resistant to physical attacks, but is also resistant to magic. The fight is easy just takes some time due to most damage sources doing little. Use some Poison Potions if you want to reduce the danger of the Sleepga it can cast. It's recommended to bring Monks with Chi Blast and anyone who can use a Sword for Spirits Within to speed up this process. The Diabolos Blood Pact ability Nether Blast is also effective.
* You do not have to kill this once per Black Mage, simply clear the area and have each BLM pop the Magic Sludge with sneak letting the elemental depop each time. Then when the last BLM pops kill Magic Sludge then have all Blms examine the ??? for the CS. Meaning you only have to fight once. It takes 5min to depop, and you must wait 5min after that to repop it.
* Defeat Magic Sludge and click on the ??? again for a final cutscene.
* Head back to Chumimi in Heavens Tower for the final cutscene and your reward.

* Talk to Kupipi in Heavens Tower, she is behind the reception desk near the Starway Stairway door, and receive an Earthen Charm (Key Item).
* Head back to Horutoto and past the Three Mage Gate to find the Gate of Earth (I-7, room full of Wendigos). When you click on the Gate of Earth, you will get a cutscene.

Borghertz's Sorcerous Hands
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Guslam - Upper Jeuno (H-8)
Requirements: Black Mage 50+, Must have started Recollections quest
Items Needed: Garlaige Coffer Key, Eldieme Coffer Key, Davoi Coffer Key
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, by erasing AF memory
Reward: Wizard's Gloves, Wizard's Coat, Wizard's Tonban

Previous Quest: Recollections
Next Quest: None

* Speak to Guslam at H-8 in Upper Jeuno in the Durable Shields shop and accept the quest.
* Note: You must talk to Guslam as BLM.

The Hands
* Head to Garlaige Citadel and open a coffer here, so either:
* Obtain a Garlaige Coffer Key; or
* Come as a thief and bring along tools to pick the lock (see Picking your Coffers and Chests).
* Open a coffer in Garlaige Citadel and obtain the Old Gauntlets (key item). You can obtain this key item as any job, so long as the quest is active.
* You may use the Lycopodium (NPC) to get through the Banishing Gate #2 in Garlaige Citadel without 4 people when checking for Treasure Coffer.
* Also, with Wings of the Goddess, you may use the Carvenous Maw in Sauromugue Champaign (S) to get beyond Banishing Gate #3 in the present.
* If you are reacquiring AF or getting AF for another job, skip this portion and proceed to the next step. If this is your first job, do the following:
* Head back to Upper Jeuno and talk to Guslam again, who will tell you he lacks the skill to repair them.
* Talk to Deadly Minnow behind the counter in the same shop as Guslam, and he will tell you to find a Mithra at the Tenshodo for more information.
* Go to Lower Jeuno and go into the Tenshodo to talk to Yin Pocanakhu at J-8. Pay her 1,000 gil to hear her story.
* Head to Port Jeuno and go downstairs into the Auction House area and find a ??? on some crates outside the Jeuno Duty-Free shop (H-8).
* Click on the ??? for a cutscene and ask to have the gloves repaired.
* Go to F-8 in Castle Zvahl Baileys and touch one of the torches to spawn Dark Spark.
* Kill Dark Spark touch the torch again (make sure you touch the same torch you used to spawn him) to receive the Shadow Flames (key item).
* If there are others in the party that also need this key item, they can touch the torch as well - you don't have to fight him for each person.
* Head back to Port Jeuno and click on the the ??? where the toolbox is for a cutscene and to complete the quest.

The Rest
* Guslam mentions something about armor scattered about Vana'diel. You can find two more pieces of armor by simply opening coffers in the following zones:
* The Eldieme Necropolis: Wizard's Tonban
* Monastic Cavern: Wizard's Coat
* Note: You must have BLM as your main job when you open these coffers.

* You must have started Recollections (AF2) before you can start this quest.
* If you have any other Borghertz's Hands quest active you will need to complete that one before you can get this quest.
* After starting the quest, you can obtain the rewards in any order.
* The quest is marked complete upon obtaining the gloves.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Beastmaster AF Guide

Wings of Gold
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
This is the first Beastmaster Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF1.

Start NPC: Brutus - Upper Jeuno (G-7)
Requirements: Beastmaster 40+
Items Needed: None
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, by erasing AF memory
Reward: Barbaroi Axe

Previous Quest: Path of the Beastmaster
Next Quest: Scattered into Shadow

* Talk to Brutus in Upper Jeuno and then head to the 10th floor of Upper Delkfutt Tower.
o You may need to speak to Brutus several times to make sure you start "Wings of Gold", as he also gives other quests.
* If you still have the Delkfutt Key from Rank 4, you can take a shortcut up from Lower Delkfutt Tower. When you enter Lower Delkfutt Tower, take a left at the first intersection and follow the right side of the wall past the stairwell and into a corridor. There will be a cermet door on the right, trade your key to it and it will allow you to enter (you do not lose the key). Go through the corridor until you enter a large room, take the first corridor on the left.
* To the right of a long stairwell is the ??? at the bottom which will automatically transfer you to the elevator on the 10th floor of Upper Delkfutt Tower.
* From now, if you went as THF (main), you can just find the chest and use thief's tools on it. You can avoid the key farming step this way. (Just the same way you can avoid on old gauntlets on AF quests)
* Kill Gigas on the 10th floor to get a Delkfutt Chest Key. Elementals and Ghosts on the 7th through 10th floor also drop the key. The Magic Urns in the basement also drop the key.
* The chest spawns on the 8th, 9th and 10th Middle Delkfutt Tower floors - as seen in the attached maps.
* Open the chest to get the Guiding Bell (key item). You do not have to be a beastmaster to open the chest and get key item.
* Return to Brutus to complete the quest.

Scattered into Shadow
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
This is the second Beastmaster Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF2.

Start NPC: Brutus - Upper Jeuno
Requirements: Beastmaster 50+
Items Needed: None
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, by erasing AF memory
Reward: Beast Gaiters

Previous Quest: Wings of Gold
Next Quest: A New Dawn and Borghertz's Wild Hands

* Talk to Brutus in Upper Jeuno who will give you three Aquafloras (key items) to put in some Underground Pools in Fei'Yin.
* There are 3 pools in the lower area of Fei'Yin at H-8, H-5 and F-5. When F-5 is inspected, Dabotz's Ghost appears. He can cast Tornado and does a variety of black magic, Smash Axe can stun it. It is possible for anyone else with BST AF2 finished up to this point in the party to obtain the cutscene after Dabotz's Ghost is defeated.
* After he dies, inspect the pool again, watch a cutscene, inspect the other two pools in that area if you didn't get them on the way in.
* Go back to Brutus - if you skip this step you will NOT get the collar from the chest.
* Next go to Castle Oztroja and kill Yagudo Conquistadors, Priors, Lutenists and Zealots for an Oztroja Chest Key. Find a chest, trade key and you'll get a Beast Collar. (Chest can be picked by THF to receive the Beast Collar)
* Trade the collar to the opo-opo Tebhi who will disappear (respawn is 15 minutes). Tebhi spawns in the basement area on this map. You should be able to spot him on Widescan.
* Head back to Upper Jeuno and talk to Brutus one final time to receive the Beast Gaiters.

* It is possible to solo the Yagudo for the Oztroja Chest Key at level 52 with either jug pets, or, at this map, by charming the Oozes in the pond in the middle square.
* Please note that it is not necessary to have Beastmaster set as your main job to throw the Aquafloras (key items) into the Underground Pools in Fei'Yin or to get the Beast Collar from the chest in Castle Oztroja.

A New Dawn
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
This is the third Beastmaster Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF3.

Start NPC: Dietmund - Lower Jeuno (G-11)
Requirements: Beastmaster 50+
Items Needed: Mahogany Lumber
Title: Paragon of Beastmaster Excellence
Repeatable: Yes, by erasing AF memory
Reward: Beast Trousers

Previous Quest: Scattered into Shadow
Next Quest: None

* Talk to Dietmund (Door:Merchant's House) in Lower Jeuno (G - 11), with Beastmaster as your main job.
* Next take a piece of Mahogany Lumber to Osker in Upper Jeuno in the Chocobo stables. Obtain the Tamer's Whistle (key item) and head to Eldieme Necropolis.
* Enter Eldieme Necropolis via Beaucedine Glacier to Batallia Downs ("7" entrance) and go to the back left sarcophagus at D-4.
* Clear the room and click on the sarcophagus to spawn Taifun and Trombe (tigers) and Sturm (an undead hound).
o Taifun and Trombe can be slept.
o Can be sneaked popped from the left side to avoid sight aggro from Taifun and Trombe.
* You only need to defeat Sturm. If you charmed Taifun and Trombe (recommended) they will despawn after Sturm dies.
* I solo'd this as RDM/NIN75 by sleeping the two tigers and running with Sturm to the exit into Batallia Downs. I bound/DoT'd Sturm and zoned, which made the 2 tigers despawn. After this just utsusemi tanking Sturm with bio/poison on it worked very well.
* Most likely also soloable by a NIN/BLM75 with elemental seal sleepga at the start to the 2 tigers, and running Sturm to the exit, or other jobs with this strategy.
* Done this with two Beastmasters ... BST75/NIN & BST75/WHM.
o Charm the two tigers and let them fight Sturm & wait for them to die. (DON'T Engage in fight yet just let Pets fight)
o After that use Call Beast to fight Sturm and use 2hrs both or just one (i just needed one 2hrs from my bst)now you engage the fight wait a little & it's gonna die.
o Note: didn't need to use Reward. :)
* Inspect the tomb again, watch a cutscene and receive your Beast Trousers.

Sturm has about 12,100 HP, and the two tigers will not be even remotely enough to kill it. Bring a lot of people, and be very careful. On a 62 BST, it was hitting for 200+ dmg each hit. It hit the tigers for 75-100 damage each hit, and the tigers did not have very good accuracy at all. Before Trombe died, he had only taken off about 5% of the Sturm's life.

Borghertz's Wild Hands
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Guslam - Upper Jeuno (H-8)
Requirements: Beastmaster 50+ Must have started Scattered into Shadow quest
Items Needed: Nest Coffer Key, Beadeaux Coffer Key, Garlaige Coffer Key
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, by erasing AF memory
Reward: Beast Gloves, Beast Helm, Beast Jackcoat

Previous Quest: Scattered into Shadow
Next Quest: None

* Speak to Guslam at H-8 in Upper Jeuno in the Durable Shields shop and accept the quest.

The Hands
* You'll need to head to Crawlers' Nest and open a coffer there, so either:
* Obtain a Nest Coffer Key; or come as a thief and bring along tools to pick the lock (see Picking your Coffers and Chests).
* Open a coffer in Crawlers' Nest and obtain the Old Gauntlets (key item).
* If you are reacquiring AF or getting AF for another job, skip this portion and proceed to the next step. If this is your first job, do the following:
* Head back to Upper Jeuno and talk to Guslam again, who will tell you he lacks the skill to repair them.
* Deadly Minnow, behind the counter in the same shop as Guslam, will tell you to find a Mithra at the Tenshodo for more information.
* Go to Lower Jeuno and go into the Tenshodo to talk to Yin Pocanakhu at J-8. Pay her 1,000 gil to hear her story.
* Head to Port Jeuno, go downstairs into the Auction House area, and find a ??? on some crates outside the Jeuno Duty-Free shop (H-8).
* Click on the ??? for a cutscene and ask to have the gloves repaired.
* Go to F-8 in Castle Zvahl Baileys and touch one of the torches to spawn Dark Spark.
* Kill Dark Spark.
* Touch the torch again (make sure you touch the same torch you used to spawn him) to receive the Shadow Flames (key item).
* If other players in the party also need this key item, they can touch the torch as well - you don't have to fight him for each person.
* Head back to Port Jeuno and click on the the ??? at the toolbox for a cutscene. This completes the quest.

The Rest
* Guslam mentions something about armor scattered about Vana'diel. You can find two more pieces of armor by simply opening coffers in the following zones:
* Garlaige Citadel: Beast Helm
* Beadeaux: Beast Jackcoat
* You must have BST as your main job when you open these coffers.

* You must have started Scattered into Shadow (AF2) before you can start this quest.
* If you have any other Borghertz's Hands quest active you will need to complete that one before you can get this quest.
* After starting the quest, you can obtain the rewards in any order.
* The quest is marked complete upon obtaining the gloves

(Note: +10 Hp Restored with Reward)

(Note: "Augments Reward" removes Paralyze, poison. and blind from pet)