Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dark Knight AF Guide

Dark Legacy
This is the first Dark Knight Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF1.

Start NPC: Raibaht - Metalworks (G-8)
Requirements: Dark Knight 40+
Items Needed: Yagudo Cherry x 2 (Only one Cherry is needed if you skip the optional portion).
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, after AF is complete.
Reward: Raven Scythe

Previous Quest: Blade of Darkness
Next Quest: Dark Puppet

NOTE: If desired, you can complete the quest Early Bird Catches the Bookworm at the same time as this quest.

* Raibaht, on the 2nd floor of Metalworks in Cid's Laboratory, will ask you to find a book detailing the Darksteel Formula.
* Talk with Mighty Fist in the Darksteel Forge (first room on the left as you enter the Metalworks), who will give you the Letter from the Darksteel Forge (key item).
* Now go see Cochal-Monchal in the West wing of the Optistery in Northern Windurst Waters at F-8.
* Get a Yagudo Cherry from the Auction House or the Kolshushu Regional Vendor
* Head to Giddeus.
o (Optional) Go to the storage room located at G-6 on the second map and speak to Quu Bokye. He will mention Vaa Huja the Erudite and something about Yagudo Cherries. Trading him a Yagudo Cherry will cause him to reveal Vaa Huja the Erudite's location and some semi-interesting info about him.
o Follow the path along the right (West) side of the first map and head to (H-7). Drop down to the lower level and continue heading South to (H-14).
o Make sure to not drop down off the cliff after you exit the cave.
* Clear the area and trade the cherry to the ??? to spawn Vaa Huja the Erudite.
o Vaa Huja the Erudite can be soloed by most jobs 55-60+.
o Died on 75 war after the fight from poison/bio and spell spams.
* Kill Vaa Huja the Erudite, check the ??? again to receive the key item Dark Steel Formula.
* (Optional) Return to Cochal-Monchal in the Optistery in Northern Windurst Waters for a short dialogue.
* Return to the Metalworks and talk to Mighty Fist and then Raibaht to complete the quest.

Dark Puppet
This is the second Dark Knight Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF2.

Start NPC: Cid - Metalworks (G-8)
Requirements: Dark Knight 50+
Items Needed: Darksteel Ingot
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Chaos Sollerets

Previous Quest: Dark Legacy
Next Quest: Blade of Evil and Borghertz's Shadowy Hands

* Talk to Cid to hear comments about the Darksteel Formula you found during the Dark Legacy quest. Raibaht informs Cid that Zeid sent a letter to Cid indicating that he found one of the weapons forged by Gerwitz, the legendary darksteel smith, but it has taken the form of an evil weapon. You must meet Zeid and help him with his task.
* Obtain a Darksteel Ingot. Only one is needed per group.
* Zone into Ordelle's Caves for a cutscene where Zeid comes up to you and tells you that a merchant who had been in the caves was attacked by Gerwitz's Axe.
* Make your way to H-12 on this map and fall down the hole which will put you on a ledge at H-12 on the first map.
* When ready, trade the Darksteel Ingot to the ??? and spawn Gerwitz's Axe. Once traded the ingot is lost, so be sure you are fully prepared for the fight, unless you want to get another ingot.
* Kill Gerwitz's Axe (he can actually be pretty tough, even for two 75's) (tested with average gear 75nin and 75mnk. was a joke of a fight. he got shadows down but ichi recast while he hit me twice. this is pure easy.) and he will drop the Gerwitz's Axe. Whoever spawned the mob should lot on and take the Gerwitz's Axe.
* Notes: Gerwitz Axe has bad evasion and low defense but has good accuracy and can hit pretty hard.
* Has about 7600HP and at 30% of HP he will use Mighty Strikes.
* Can be solo by a NIN75/DNC37 or DRG75/BLU37(Drg must have good defense Gear and must keep Cocoon on).
* Go east and you will find a passageway leading up onto the third map of Ordelle's Caves. Make your way down to H-8 and you'll find another ???.
* When ready, trade the Gerwitz's Axe to the ??? and it will spawn Gerwitz's Sword.
* Kill Gerwitz's Sword and it will drop Gerwitz's Sword. Whoever spawned the mob should lot on and take the Gerwitz's Sword.
* Notes: Gerwitz Sword will use Blood Weapon around 50% of HP and it's not as tough as Gerwitz Axe.
* The final ??? is in H-10 on the same map in the large square room at the south end of the map.
* When ready, trade Gerwitz's Sword to the ??? to spawn Gerwitz's Soul, a Ghost NM around level 54.
* Kill Gerwitz's Soul.
* Exit to La Theine Plateau from the same map at G-10 and you'll get a cutscene, receive your boots, and complete the quest.

Blade of Evil
This is the third Dark Knight Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF3.

Start NPC: Zeid - Beadeaux (G-8)
Requirements: Dark Knight 50+
Items Needed: Quadav Mage Blood
Title: Paragon of Dark Knight Excellence
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Chaos Burgeonet

Previous Quest: Dark Puppet
Next Quest: None

* Head to Beadeaux as a Dark Knight for a cutscene where Zeid will tell you that you must go seek out and destroy Gerwitz's Scythe. (using another job to enter Beadeaux will not trigger the cutscene.)
* Obtain a piece of Quadav Mage Blood, which is dropped by Topaz Quadav.
* If more than one Dark Knight is doing this quest, only one piece of this blood is needed.
* Head to the seventh floor of Middle Delkfutt's Tower and use the teleporter at J-6.
* You should now end up in a small circle room on the Sixth floor (J-6 again).
* When ready, trade the Quadav Mage Blood to the ??? to spawn Gerwitz's Scythe (Weapon NM) and two Scythe Victims (Skeleton).
* Once all 3 mobs are defeated, use the same teleport you used when you came in and you will get a cutscene and will complete the quest.

Important note
* Quadav Mage Blood Farmed as WHM/NIN, no drop 0/50. Talked to a few people who went 1/3. Brought a naked THF/WHM with TH3 and got 1/3. TH seems to be needed for this drop.
* 1/3 on the Quadav Mage Blood farming it as SAM/NIN. Don't need TH for this. Person above states other people have gone 1/3 as well, and this seems true.
* The weapon is a Red Mage job and has Protect and Shell III. It will also use Cure IV a lot.
* Has HP, MP and TP drain add effects on his attacks, low % chance of kicking in.
* One Scythe Victim is a Black Mage and has Ancient Magic and tier two -ga spells.(can be silenced easily.)
* The other Scythe Victim is a Warrior and does not cast.(gravity and bind spells work.)
* Both mobs have access to the normal family abilities
* Both Scythe Victims, as well as Gerwitz's Scythe, seem to be immune or at least highly resistant to Lullaby
* Both Scythe Victims seem to have high resistance to Sleep, Elemental Seal Sleepga was resisted.
* Gerwitz's Scythe is immune to Sleep, was resisted when Elemental Seal was used.(Gravity can stick.)
* Recommended strategy is to have three different people tanking, one to tank the weapon, and two more to hold the victims, with a healer for support, along with other DDs. Pick the skeletons off as fast as possible, then have everyone focus on the weapon. Once the victims are down, it should be just a straight up fight.

* Defeated solo as 75 PLD/NIN with Refresh drinks and meds.
* Defeated solo as 75 RDM/BLU.
* Easily soloed as a 75 NIN/DNC without an Evasion setup.
* Defeated with some difficulty by 75 SAM/DNC, 75 THF/NIN, 62 DRK/SAM.
* Even if you wipe, as long as Gerwitz's Scythe is defeated, you can get the cutscene and complete the quest.
* These mobs cannot be "sneak popped" to fight only the weapon - all three aggro on pop even with sneak. However, it is possible to have the victims "lose hate" by using an avatar - see discussion page.
* If you wipe and Gerwitz's Scythe isn't defeated you need to get another Quadav Mage Blood.

Borghertz's Shadowy Hands
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Guslam - Upper Jeuno (H-8)
Requirements: Dark Knight 50+ Must have started Dark Puppet quest
Items Needed: Eldieme Coffer Key, Oztroja Coffer Key, Davoi Coffer Key
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Chaos Gauntlets, Chaos Cuirass, Chaos Flanchard

Previous Quest: Dark Puppet
Next Quest: None

* Speak to Guslam at H-8 in Upper Jeuno in the Durable Shields shop and accept the quest.

The Hands
* You'll need to head to The Eldieme Necropolis and open a coffer there, so either: Obtain a Eldieme Coffer Key; or Come as a Thief and bring along tools to pick the lock
* Open a coffer in The Eldieme Necropolis and obtain the Old Gauntlets (key item).
* If you are reacquiring AF or getting AF for another job, skip this portion and proceed to the next step. If this is your first job, do the following:
* Head back to Upper Jeuno and talk to Guslam again, who will tell you he lacks the skill to repair them.
* Deadly Minnow, behind the counter in the same shop as Guslam, will tell you to find a Mithra at the Tenshodo for more information.
* Go to Lower Jeuno and go into the Tenshodo to talk to Yin Pocanakhu at J-8. Pay her 1,000 gil to hear her story.
* Head to Port Jeuno, go downstairs into the Auction House area, and find a ??? on some crates outside the Jeuno Duty-Free Shop (H-8).
* Click on the ??? for a cutscene and ask to have the gloves repaired.
* Go to F-8 in Castle Zvahl Baileys and touch one of the torches to spawn Dark Spark.
* Kill Dark Spark.
* Touch the torch again (make sure you touch the same torch you used to spawn him) to receive the Shadow Flames (key item).
* If other players in the party also need this key item, they can touch the torch as well - you don't have to fight him for each person.
* Head back to Port Jeuno and click on the ??? at the toolbox for a cutscene. This completes the quest.

The Rest
* Guslam mentions something about armor scattered about Vana'diel. You can find two more pieces of armor by simply opening coffers in the following zones:
* Castle Oztroja: Chaos Cuirass
* Monastic Cavern: Chaos Flanchard
* You must have DRK as your main job when you open these coffers. If you have another Borghertz's Hands quest active you may also obtain Chaos Cuirass and Chaos Flanchard if you have completed DRK AF2 and your main job is DRK at the time you open the coffer.

* You must have started Dark Puppet (AF2) before you can start this quest.
* If you have any other Borghertz's Hands quest active, you will need to complete that one before you can get this quest.
* After starting the quest, you can obtain the rewards in any order.
* The quest is marked complete upon obtaining the gloves.

(Note: increases duration of Arcane Cirlce by 30 seconds)

(Note: adds an addtional 2% Hp converted to damage by Soul Eater (Caps at 12%)

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