Thursday, November 13, 2008

Beastmaster AF Guide

Wings of Gold
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
This is the first Beastmaster Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF1.

Start NPC: Brutus - Upper Jeuno (G-7)
Requirements: Beastmaster 40+
Items Needed: None
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, by erasing AF memory
Reward: Barbaroi Axe

Previous Quest: Path of the Beastmaster
Next Quest: Scattered into Shadow

* Talk to Brutus in Upper Jeuno and then head to the 10th floor of Upper Delkfutt Tower.
o You may need to speak to Brutus several times to make sure you start "Wings of Gold", as he also gives other quests.
* If you still have the Delkfutt Key from Rank 4, you can take a shortcut up from Lower Delkfutt Tower. When you enter Lower Delkfutt Tower, take a left at the first intersection and follow the right side of the wall past the stairwell and into a corridor. There will be a cermet door on the right, trade your key to it and it will allow you to enter (you do not lose the key). Go through the corridor until you enter a large room, take the first corridor on the left.
* To the right of a long stairwell is the ??? at the bottom which will automatically transfer you to the elevator on the 10th floor of Upper Delkfutt Tower.
* From now, if you went as THF (main), you can just find the chest and use thief's tools on it. You can avoid the key farming step this way. (Just the same way you can avoid on old gauntlets on AF quests)
* Kill Gigas on the 10th floor to get a Delkfutt Chest Key. Elementals and Ghosts on the 7th through 10th floor also drop the key. The Magic Urns in the basement also drop the key.
* The chest spawns on the 8th, 9th and 10th Middle Delkfutt Tower floors - as seen in the attached maps.
* Open the chest to get the Guiding Bell (key item). You do not have to be a beastmaster to open the chest and get key item.
* Return to Brutus to complete the quest.

Scattered into Shadow
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
This is the second Beastmaster Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF2.

Start NPC: Brutus - Upper Jeuno
Requirements: Beastmaster 50+
Items Needed: None
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, by erasing AF memory
Reward: Beast Gaiters

Previous Quest: Wings of Gold
Next Quest: A New Dawn and Borghertz's Wild Hands

* Talk to Brutus in Upper Jeuno who will give you three Aquafloras (key items) to put in some Underground Pools in Fei'Yin.
* There are 3 pools in the lower area of Fei'Yin at H-8, H-5 and F-5. When F-5 is inspected, Dabotz's Ghost appears. He can cast Tornado and does a variety of black magic, Smash Axe can stun it. It is possible for anyone else with BST AF2 finished up to this point in the party to obtain the cutscene after Dabotz's Ghost is defeated.
* After he dies, inspect the pool again, watch a cutscene, inspect the other two pools in that area if you didn't get them on the way in.
* Go back to Brutus - if you skip this step you will NOT get the collar from the chest.
* Next go to Castle Oztroja and kill Yagudo Conquistadors, Priors, Lutenists and Zealots for an Oztroja Chest Key. Find a chest, trade key and you'll get a Beast Collar. (Chest can be picked by THF to receive the Beast Collar)
* Trade the collar to the opo-opo Tebhi who will disappear (respawn is 15 minutes). Tebhi spawns in the basement area on this map. You should be able to spot him on Widescan.
* Head back to Upper Jeuno and talk to Brutus one final time to receive the Beast Gaiters.

* It is possible to solo the Yagudo for the Oztroja Chest Key at level 52 with either jug pets, or, at this map, by charming the Oozes in the pond in the middle square.
* Please note that it is not necessary to have Beastmaster set as your main job to throw the Aquafloras (key items) into the Underground Pools in Fei'Yin or to get the Beast Collar from the chest in Castle Oztroja.

A New Dawn
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
This is the third Beastmaster Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF3.

Start NPC: Dietmund - Lower Jeuno (G-11)
Requirements: Beastmaster 50+
Items Needed: Mahogany Lumber
Title: Paragon of Beastmaster Excellence
Repeatable: Yes, by erasing AF memory
Reward: Beast Trousers

Previous Quest: Scattered into Shadow
Next Quest: None

* Talk to Dietmund (Door:Merchant's House) in Lower Jeuno (G - 11), with Beastmaster as your main job.
* Next take a piece of Mahogany Lumber to Osker in Upper Jeuno in the Chocobo stables. Obtain the Tamer's Whistle (key item) and head to Eldieme Necropolis.
* Enter Eldieme Necropolis via Beaucedine Glacier to Batallia Downs ("7" entrance) and go to the back left sarcophagus at D-4.
* Clear the room and click on the sarcophagus to spawn Taifun and Trombe (tigers) and Sturm (an undead hound).
o Taifun and Trombe can be slept.
o Can be sneaked popped from the left side to avoid sight aggro from Taifun and Trombe.
* You only need to defeat Sturm. If you charmed Taifun and Trombe (recommended) they will despawn after Sturm dies.
* I solo'd this as RDM/NIN75 by sleeping the two tigers and running with Sturm to the exit into Batallia Downs. I bound/DoT'd Sturm and zoned, which made the 2 tigers despawn. After this just utsusemi tanking Sturm with bio/poison on it worked very well.
* Most likely also soloable by a NIN/BLM75 with elemental seal sleepga at the start to the 2 tigers, and running Sturm to the exit, or other jobs with this strategy.
* Done this with two Beastmasters ... BST75/NIN & BST75/WHM.
o Charm the two tigers and let them fight Sturm & wait for them to die. (DON'T Engage in fight yet just let Pets fight)
o After that use Call Beast to fight Sturm and use 2hrs both or just one (i just needed one 2hrs from my bst)now you engage the fight wait a little & it's gonna die.
o Note: didn't need to use Reward. :)
* Inspect the tomb again, watch a cutscene and receive your Beast Trousers.

Sturm has about 12,100 HP, and the two tigers will not be even remotely enough to kill it. Bring a lot of people, and be very careful. On a 62 BST, it was hitting for 200+ dmg each hit. It hit the tigers for 75-100 damage each hit, and the tigers did not have very good accuracy at all. Before Trombe died, he had only taken off about 5% of the Sturm's life.

Borghertz's Wild Hands
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Guslam - Upper Jeuno (H-8)
Requirements: Beastmaster 50+ Must have started Scattered into Shadow quest
Items Needed: Nest Coffer Key, Beadeaux Coffer Key, Garlaige Coffer Key
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, by erasing AF memory
Reward: Beast Gloves, Beast Helm, Beast Jackcoat

Previous Quest: Scattered into Shadow
Next Quest: None

* Speak to Guslam at H-8 in Upper Jeuno in the Durable Shields shop and accept the quest.

The Hands
* You'll need to head to Crawlers' Nest and open a coffer there, so either:
* Obtain a Nest Coffer Key; or come as a thief and bring along tools to pick the lock (see Picking your Coffers and Chests).
* Open a coffer in Crawlers' Nest and obtain the Old Gauntlets (key item).
* If you are reacquiring AF or getting AF for another job, skip this portion and proceed to the next step. If this is your first job, do the following:
* Head back to Upper Jeuno and talk to Guslam again, who will tell you he lacks the skill to repair them.
* Deadly Minnow, behind the counter in the same shop as Guslam, will tell you to find a Mithra at the Tenshodo for more information.
* Go to Lower Jeuno and go into the Tenshodo to talk to Yin Pocanakhu at J-8. Pay her 1,000 gil to hear her story.
* Head to Port Jeuno, go downstairs into the Auction House area, and find a ??? on some crates outside the Jeuno Duty-Free shop (H-8).
* Click on the ??? for a cutscene and ask to have the gloves repaired.
* Go to F-8 in Castle Zvahl Baileys and touch one of the torches to spawn Dark Spark.
* Kill Dark Spark.
* Touch the torch again (make sure you touch the same torch you used to spawn him) to receive the Shadow Flames (key item).
* If other players in the party also need this key item, they can touch the torch as well - you don't have to fight him for each person.
* Head back to Port Jeuno and click on the the ??? at the toolbox for a cutscene. This completes the quest.

The Rest
* Guslam mentions something about armor scattered about Vana'diel. You can find two more pieces of armor by simply opening coffers in the following zones:
* Garlaige Citadel: Beast Helm
* Beadeaux: Beast Jackcoat
* You must have BST as your main job when you open these coffers.

* You must have started Scattered into Shadow (AF2) before you can start this quest.
* If you have any other Borghertz's Hands quest active you will need to complete that one before you can get this quest.
* After starting the quest, you can obtain the rewards in any order.
* The quest is marked complete upon obtaining the gloves

(Note: +10 Hp Restored with Reward)

(Note: "Augments Reward" removes Paralyze, poison. and blind from pet)

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