Friday, December 19, 2008

White Mage AF Guide

Messenger from Beyond
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
This is the first White Mage Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF1.

Start NPC: Narcheral - Northern San d'Oria (M-6)
Requirements: White Mage 40+
Items Needed: Tavnazia Pass
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, after AF is complete.
Reward: Blessed Hammer

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: Prelude of Black and White

* Talk to Narcheral (M-6) upstairs in the cathedral in Northern San d'Oria and then head to Valkurm Dunes around B-8 (Secret Beach).
o NOTE -- If you attempt to kill the NM and are defeated, you will have to wait until the next Vana'diel day before attempting again.
o You can pop this NM on a different job, provided you receive the quest as White Mage
* Wait until night and a ??? will appear. The one on the wall near the Song Runes is the one you want. Click on it to spawn the NM Shadow Marchelute. The ??? will depop at 5:00 Vana'diel time.
* Defeat Marchelute and it will drop a Tavnazia Pass.
* Trade the item to Narcheral to complete the quest.
o You do not have to be WHM when you trade the pass to him.

Prelude of Black and White
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
This is the second White Mage Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF2.

Start NPC: Door - Chateau d'Oraguille (H-8)
Requirements: White Mage 50+, San d'Oria Rank: 2 or Bastok/Windurst Rank: 3
Items Needed: Yagudo Holy Water, Moccasins
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Healer's Duckbills

Previous Quest: Messenger from Beyond
Next Quest: Pieuje's Decision and Borghertz's Healing Hands

* Start this quest by checking the door to Prince Regent's Room (facing south in small courtyard at H-8) in Chateau d'Oraguille, you will be asked to obtain the Yagudo Holy Water and a pair of Moccasins.
* NOTE: Moccasins +1 are not accepted. (So use caution when making these if you have a high level of Leathercraft.)
* Go to Castle Oztroja and kill the Yagudo Abbots for the Yagudo Holy Water and Moccasins.
* Yagudo Abbots spawn behind the brass door at (G-8) on map 3, the one you use the four levers to open. The combination to these levers can be found behind the secret door at (I-10) on the same map.
* Yagudo Abbots located at (G-9) & (G-10) on map 2 in Castle Zvahl Keep can also drop Yagudo Holy Water at a high rate. Although fewer of them spawn in this zone, they are 1-7 levels lower than Yagudo Abbots in Castle Oztroja.
* Moccasins can also be crafted or purchased from the Auction House. Yagudo Abbots in Castle Oztroja can drop these but the drop rate is very rare.
* Trade both items to Narcheral (M-6) upstairs in the cathedral in Northern San d'Oria to complete the quest.

Pieuje's Decision
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
This is the third White Mage Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF3.

Start NPC: Door - Chateau d'Oraguille (H-8)
Requirements: White Mage 50+
Items Needed: Tavnazia Bell, Tavnazian Mask
Title: Paragon of White Mage Excellence
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Healer's Briault

Previous Quest: Prelude of Black and White
Next Quest: None

* Start this quest by checking the door to Prince Regent's Room (the door on south side of the small courtyard at H-8) in Chateau d'Oraguille. In the ensuing cutscene, you will be asked to obtain a Tavnazia Bell.
o NOTE: You have to be a level 50+ WHM to activate the quest.
* Kill Dark Stalkers or Shades (Testimonials indicate that Shades do not drop the bell) in Eldieme Necropolis until one drops a Tavnazia Bell.
* Travel to Fei'Yin, where you will watch another cutscene.
o NOTE: If you are on mission 5-1 for your country, you might see the cutscene for this first. Make sure to zone out and back in so that you see the cutscene with the Sandorian prince and his aide.
* Trade the Tavnazia Bell to the ??? at (J-10) (top floor) to spawn the NM Shadow Altedour I Tavnazia.
* Kill him to obtain a Tavnazian Mask.
o NOTE: If your alliance wipes on the NM, you will have to get another Tavnazia Bell in order to make another attempt.
* Trade the item to Narcheral upstairs in the cathedral in Northern San d'Oria (M-6) to complete the quest.

Borghertz's Healing Hands
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Guslam - Upper Jeuno (H-8)
Requirements: White Mage 50+, Must have started Prelude of Black and White quest
Items Needed: Beadeaux Coffer Key, Garlaige Coffer Key, Nest Coffer Key
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Healer's Mitts, Healer's Cap, Healer's Pantaloons

Previous Quest: Prelude of Black and White
Next Quest: None

* Speak to Guslam at H-8 in Upper Jeuno in the Durable Shields shop and accept the quest.

The Hands
* You'll need to head to Beadeaux and open a coffer there, so either:
* Obtain a Beadeaux Coffer Key; or come as a thief and bring along tools to pick the lock.
* Open a coffer in Beadeaux and obtain the Old Gauntlets (key item).
* If you are reacquiring AF or getting AF for another job, skip this portion and proceed to the next step. If this is your first job, do the following:
* Head back to Upper Jeuno and talk to Guslam again, who will tell you he lacks the skill to repair them.
* Deadly Minnow, behind the counter in the same shop as Guslam, will tell you to find a Mithra at the Tenshodo for more information.
* Go to Lower Jeuno and go into the Tenshodo to talk to Yin Pocanakhu at J-8. Pay her 1,000 gil to hear her story.
* Head to Port Jeuno, go downstairs into the Auction House area, and find a ??? on some crates outside the Jeuno Duty-Free Shop (H-8).
* Click on the ??? for a cutscene and ask to have the gloves repaired.
* Go to F-8 in Castle Zvahl Baileys and touch one of the torches to spawn Dark Spark.
* Kill Dark Spark.
* Touch the torch again (make sure you touch the same torch you used to spawn him) to receive the Shadow Flames (key item).
* If other players in the party also need this key item, they can touch the torch as well - you don't have to fight him for each person.
* Head back to Port Jeuno and click on the ??? at the toolbox for a cutscene. This completes the quest.

The Rest
* Guslam mentions something about armor scattered about Vana'diel. You can find two more pieces of armor by simply opening coffers in the following zones:
* Garlaige Citadel: Healer's Cap
* Crawlers' Nest: Healer's Pantaloons
* You must have WHM as your main job when you open these coffers.

* You must have started Prelude of Black and White (AF2) to get this quest.
* If you have any other Borghertz's Hands quest active you will need to complete that one before you can get this quest.
* After starting the quest, you can obtain the rewards in any order.
* The quest is marked complete upon obtaining the gloves.

Warrior AF Guide

The Doorman
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
Start NPC: Phara - Bastok Mines (J-9)
Requirements: Warrior 40+
Items Needed: None
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, after AF completed
Reward: Razor Axe

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: The Talekeeper's Truth

* Phara, an elderly Hume woman at J-9 in Bastok Mines will ask you for some Sword Grip Material (key item) from Davoi.
* Enter Davoi and head almost directly south to a small open area, down to a short, narrow path until you reach the wide-open area of K-9 and K-10.
* The Orcs (including tier 4) here are aggressive to Sight only.
* Scout around for the 'Hide Flap' on one of the tents scattered around the area of K-9/10. Kill off all nearby Orcs to avoid any potential links, buff and when ready, touch the ‘Hide Flap’ and spawn two NM Orcs, Gavotvut and Barakbok.
* Your job does not have to be Warrior to spawn the NMs.
* Barakbok is a Dark Knight and should be killed first. Gavotvut is a Warrior.
* Both Orcs are highly resistant to sleep.
* Zoning the Orcs and fighting them one by one does not work. However, it is possible to only fight the WAR by pulling the orcs, along with a large train down to the river. Upon hitting the water they will lose hate, and you will be able to fight only the WAR NM.
* After both have died, find where the ‘Hide Flap’ has moved to (still in the same area, it should not be very far away) and examine it again to be presented with the Sword Grip Material.
* Warning: If you have multiple warriors doing this quest, you will have to kill the notorious monsters for each warrior. Only the warrior that spawned the NMs will get the key item upon inspecting that hide flap; if another warrior inspects that flap the NMs will spawn again.
* Take this back to Phara, who asks you to come back tomorrow.
* Wait until the next Vana'diel day. No need to rezone.
* Return to Phara and you will receive Yasin's Sword (key item), which she asks you to take to her grandson.
* Her grandson is Naji, who is a doorman at the Presidential Office in the Metalworks (J-8).
* After a cut scene, Naji will give you the Razor Axe.

The Talekeeper's Truth
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
Start NPC: Deidogg - Bastok Mines (H-6)
Requirements: Warrior 50+
Items Needed: Mottled Quadav Egg, Parasite Skin
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Fighter's Calligae

Previous Quest: The Doorman
Next Quest: The Talekeeper's Gift and, Borghertz's Warring Hands

* Phara, at (J-9) in the Bastok Mines tells you about the Galka Deidogg at (H-6) in the Bastok Mines.
* You will need to speak with Deidogg twice to receive the cutscene where he will ask you for a Mottled Quadav Egg dropped by Ni'Ghu Nestfender in Palborough Mines.
* From the first map in Palborough Mines, take the elevator at I-8 up to the Third Floor. Ni'Ghu Nestfender spawns from a ??? located in G-10. Nothing here will be high enough to aggro you, and the room is usually empty, but if some Quadav have wandered in, of course, clear the area beforehand.
* When your party is ready, examine the ??? to spawn Ni'Ghu Nestfender. He is a Paladin, and will use Invincible and Flash.
* When he is defeated, he will drop the Mottled Quadav Egg.
* Make sure you do not touch the ??? again or it will spawn another Ni'Ghu Nestfender and you will have to do the fight again.
* After you bring the Mottled Quadav Egg to Deidogg, the cutscene suggests that you get a Parasite Skin from Castle Oztroja.
* Note: Since Parasite Skin is a normal drop off the leeches in Castle Oztroja, you can save yourself a trip to Bastok if you catch a Teleport-Mea and head to Castle Oztroja before returning to town. You can kill two birds with one stone this way, and trade the skin after trading the egg to Deidogg when you arrive in Bastok Mines.
* If you would rather take the extra trip, remember that there is a ferry from Palborough Mines to Zeruhn Mines which will put you right next to Bastok Mines.
* When you get to Castle Oztroja you need to go past the first doorway with the trapdoor and proceed up to the 4 lever door at the SW corner of G-8. You can find the combination to the door at the dead-end at (I-10).
* Once inside this doorway proceed all the way up the stairs to a chamber with a pool in the middle of it. This pool will be surrounded by Tier 6 Yagudo and full of the leeches you need to kill.
* The leeches aggro by sound and the Yagudo aggro by sight.
* Kill a Yagudo Parasite and obtain the Parasite Skin.
* Head back to Deidogg and trade him the Parasite Skin. He will ask you to return the next Vana'diel day.
* When you return, he will present you with your hard-earned Fighter's Calligae.

The Talekeeper's Gift
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Deidogg - Bastok Mines (H-6)
Requirements: Warrior 50+
Items Needed: Ginger Cookie
Title: Paragon of Warrior Excellence
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Fighter's Lorica

Previous Quest: The Talekeeper's Truth
Next Quest: None

* NOTE: After getting your Fighter's Calligae, you must wait until JP midnight to flag this quest.
* Speak to Deidogg, and then go around the corner to the small Galka child, Detzo, who will tell you Deidogg secretly likes Ginger Cookies.
* Trade a Ginger Cookie to Deidogg to be given the quest.
* Then zone in to Behemoth's Dominion from Qufim Island. At (G-5) near the tower there is a long tunnel that precedes the zone that is not shown on the map.
* Walk to the spot in (K-9) where the ??? is, clear the area of Bats and Weapons, buff and get ready to go.
* Examining the ??? will spawn three Goblin NMs:

* Doglix Muttsnout, a White Mage, who will use Benediction;
* Moxnix Nightgoggle, a Ranger, who will use Eagle Eye Shot; and
* Picklix Longindex, a Thief, who will use Perfect Dodge.

* The Goblins generally can NOT be Slept without Elemental Seal.
* The Ranger will only stand and shoot until low health, so it can safely be left for last as long as you don't move into its melee range.
* The White Mage is easy to kite around the rocks in the big room, as it will frequently stop to cast and is known to be resistant to Stun.
* It is not known if the Thief is stunnable or not.
* So the quester who pops the NMs can easily "superkite" the WHM and RNG around the room with initial aggro while the rest of the party kills the THF. Because the kiter hasn't done anything to claim the kited mobs, a healer can cure them without pulling hate.
* All melees should bring several hi-potions and/or max-potions and wear as much resist fire gear that they can find.
* At low health, the goblins can use back-to-back Bomb Toss and Goblin Rush.
* When all the Goblins are dead, head back to Qufim (re-examining the ??? does not seem to do anything), and upon zoning back to Qufim Island, you will receive a cutscene and, finally, your Fighter's Lorica.
* Calling for help does not work.
* If multiple warriors with this quest active are in the alliance, the NM only have to be fought once.
* If you disconnect during the fight, you will not be able to get the CS. Even if you zone back in quickly and kill the NMs, you will not get it. (This was only discovered solo, it is unclear at this point if you will be unable to get the CS if your party maintains claim on the NMs.)

Borghertz's Warring Hands
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Guslam - Upper Jeuno (H-8)
Requirements: Warrior 50+, Must have started The Talekeeper's Truth quest
Items Needed: Eldieme Coffer Key, Nest Coffer Key, Zvahl Coffer Key
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Fighter's Mufflers, Fighter's Cuisses, Fighter's Mask

Previous Quest: The Talekeeper's Truth
Next Quest: None

* Speak to Guslam at H-8 in Upper Jeuno in the Durable Shields shop and accept the quest.

The Hands
* You'll have to head to Eldieme Necropolis and open a coffer there:
* Obtain a Eldieme Coffer Key
* Open a coffer in Eldieme Necropolis and obtain the Old Gauntlets (key item).
* If you are reacquiring AF or getting AF for another job, skip this portion and proceed to the next step. If this is your first job, do the following:
* Head back to Upper Jeuno and talk to Guslam again, who will tell you he lacks the skill to repair them.
* Deadly Minnow, behind the counter in the same shop as Guslam, will tell you to find a Mithra at the Tenshodo for more information.
* Go to Lower Jeuno and go into the Tenshodo to talk to Yin Pocanakhu at J-8. Pay her 1,000 gil to hear her story.
* Head to Port Jeuno, go downstairs into the Auction House area, and find a ??? on some crates outside the Jeuno Duty-Free Shop (H-8).
* Click on the ??? for a cutscene and ask to have the gloves repaired.
* Go to F-8 in Castle Zvahl Baileys and touch one of the torches to spawn Dark Spark.
* Kill Dark Spark.
* Touch the torch again (make sure you touch the same torch you used to spawn him) to receive the Shadow Flames (key item).
* If other players in the party also need this key item, they can touch the torch as well - you don't have to fight him for each person.
* Head back to Port Jeuno and click on the ??? at the toolbox for a cutscene. This completes the quest.

The Rest
* Guslam mentions something about armor scattered about Vana'diel. You can find two more pieces of armor by simply opening coffers in the following zones:
* Castle Zvahl Baileys: Fighter's Cuisses
* Crawlers' Nest: Fighter's Mask
* You must have WAR as your main job when you open these coffers.

* You must have started The Talekeeper's Truth (AF2) before you can start this quest.
* If you have any other Borghertz's Hands quest active you will need to complete that one before you can get this quest.
* After starting the quest, you can obtain the rewards in any order.
* The quest is marked complete upon obtaining the gloves.

(Note: Double Attack+1%)

Thief AF Guide

Special Thanks to Erahdel

Rogue's Bonnet (54):
Talk to Nanaa Mihgo (Windy Woods) who asks you what letter was on your envelope from the Tenshodo. The correct answer is V. She will then ask you to deliver two envelopes and get them signed again by 2 thieves from Atalbartle's Rogue Gang. Her lackies tell you there are in Sauromugue Champaign and the Goblin Shop in Lower Jeuno.
Part 1: Getting the first letter signed
Climb a tower at (I-7)/(J-7) in Sauromugue Champaign where the thief you need to sign the letter is hiding. To do this you need a Grapnel. This grapnel is aquired by fighting Climbpix Highrise which is spawned by touching one of the ??? found at the base of all 6 of the towers in Sauromugue Champaign. The tower that spawns this NM is completely random. One of these towers can only be reached by going through Garlaige Citadel and the banishing gates.
The battle with Climbpix Highrise is fairly hard. You will want a party geared toward magic damage. He is a thief type goblin and will use Perfect Dodge at about 1/2 health. His evasion is crazy and he hits pretty hard. 1 PLD 1 WHM 3 BLM and yourself are my personal recomendation at level 53. However, most smart people will bring a lvl 60+ friend or 2 to ensure victory. When you, lot on the Grapnel and head to the tower at I-7. You will need to un-equip all your stuff and trade the Grapnel to the ???. You will get a nice little cutscene which results in your first letter being signed.
Part 2a: Gambling with Goblins
Go to Muckvix's Junk Shop in Lower Jeuno. Talk to Sniggnix who will want to play a game of dice. You must beat him and then he will tell you to go Dangruf Wadi to play dice against the Dangruf Trio for the Regal Die. You must beat these guys in a dice game all in row. If you lose to any of them, you have to start all over and talk to the first guy. Also, everytime you play one of them you must give up an item. You must win all 3 without losing, in this order, with the listed items:
1) Saltnix
Item: Rock Salt (Wadi Crab) Directions: Trade the Rock Salt to the ??? at the eastern part of (F-7)
2) Grasslix
Item: Gaussbit Grass (Wadi Hare) Directions: Trade the Gaussbit Grass to the ??? at (F-4), near the entrance to the tunnel.
3) Eggvix
Item: Lizard Egg (Steam Lizard) Directions: Go thru a false wall at F-11. Drop down the hole right before a Cermet door in this hallway and head South. In the corner right before you will be a ???. Trade your Lizard Egg to it and hope you win.
Part 2b: The battle with Gambilox Wanderling, gather your party
Gather your party of 6+ people level 53+ and head to the Drachenfall Ravine from the North Gustaberg exit of Dangruf Wadi at J-3. Stay on the South side of the river and head towards the waterfall. Near the base of the waterfall is a ??? that pops the NM. Gambilox Wanderling doesn't have the evasion that Climbpix had, but she pretty much spams bomb toss and goblin rush and hits hard. If you have a decent BLM, he'll just stun the goblin in the middle of these fits. After you defeat Gambilox Wanderling, click on the same ??? and you get your "Regal Die" and a cutscene. Trade your newly aquired "Regal Die" to Sniggnix in Jeuno and you'll get an interesting cutscene that ultimately results in your 2nd letter geting signed. Now head back to Nanaa Mihgo.

Rogue's Armlets (52):
Monastic Cavern then Dark Spark
use Thief's Tools (living keys, etc)
Rogue's Culotte (56):
Castle Oztroja
use Thief's Tools; Yagudo Conducters, Yagudo Flagellants, Yagudo Prelates
Rogue's Vest (58):
Castle Zvahl Keep
use Thief's Tools; Ahriman's, Arch Demons, Blood Demons, and Doom Demons

Rogue's Poulaines (60:
Nanaa Mihgowill request two more thief signatures. Yatniel in the Jewelry Store in Lower Jeuno will request 4 Quake Grenades for the signature. Next, Hagain in Mhaura wants you to kill a bomb in Garliage and bring back the drop. There are ???'s all over Garliage, find 7 of them and go to each one in the proper order. Be sure to pay attention to the cutscene after you touch the first ??? as it will tell you if the next spot is North, east, west, or south. Don't worry if you do one out of order because it won't do anything and you WON'T have to start over. You will get a cutscene after you touch each ???. On the 7th, Chandelier appears. Do NOT pull it with magic otherwise the item will not drop. If it explodes, you will not get the drop so be sure to have stunners ready. Kill it and lot its drop which you take to Hagain. A single PT of 55+ can do the bomb.
Naana Mihgo then sends you to Ordelle's caves to find a ??? and your reward. Bring a pickaxehead inside Ordelle's to where the Stroper Chymes and key mobs spawn. Take the exit on this map because the ??? is actually in La Theine Plateau about 15 seconds after you zone out of Ordelle's. Use the pickaxe on it to get the Rogue's Poulaines.

Maruders Knife (40):
Nanaa Mihgo will tell you to go to Jeuno. You will get the key item "Letter from the Tenshodo".
You must have the Tenshodo Membership quest done, or have a Tenshodo Invite to continue with this quest.
Talk to Harnek at (J-7) just inside the HQ and watch a cutscene where you and several other thieves are given envelopes and sent out to find old members of a legendary band of thieves. Your particular assignment is to find a Galka thief in Selbina. You will get the key item "Tenshodo Envelope".
Travel to Selbina and talk to Elfriede (J-9) of the Shepherd's Muster Inn. This will trigger another cutscene with Sneaking Tiger, who says he'll gladly sign your envelope if you prove yourself worthy by bringing him a Quadav Stew.
Quadav Stew can only be stolen from some specific Quadav : Head to Beadeaux and steal from Garnet Quadavs, Silver Quadavs, Zircon Quadavs, and Bronze Quadavs until you obtain the Quadav Stew.
Thief as a sub job on a high level job will work also.
You can steal the Stew before travelling to Selbina. My Thief friend was 1/2, I was 1/5.
Once you get the Quadav Stew, go back to Selbina, trade the stew to Elfriede and the Galka will reappear.
You will receive the key item "Signed Envelope".
Head back to Lower Jeuno and talk to Harnek for a final cutscene and to receive your reward.

Note: You do not need to go to Selbina twice, you can just get the Quadav Stew before going there and do the talk and trade at the same time.

(Note: Flee duration +15 seconds)

Summoner AF Guide

The Puppet Master
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Carbuncle - Windurst Walls, (G-4)
Requirements: Summoner Level: 40+
Items Needed: Earth Pendulum
Title: None.
Repeatable: Yes.
Reward: Kukulcan's Staff

Previous Quest: I Can Hear a Rainbow
Next Quest: Class Reunion

* Go to the House of the Hero in Windurst Walls and speak to Carbuncle.
* Go to Port Bastok and talk to Juroro located at (I-8), who hands you the Earth Pendulum and tells you to travel to the Quicksand Caves entrance in Eastern Altepa Desert at (J-7).
* Within Quicksand Caves, make your way to the Cloister of Tremors located at (C-8) and trade the Earth Pendulum to the Earth Protocrystal. Select The Puppet Master to start.
* This is an uncapped BCNM fight, buffs do not wear. You have 30 minutes to kill Galgalim.
* After you kill Galgalim, return to Port Bastok and talk to Juroro.
* Finally, return to Windurst Walls and talk to Koru-Moru located at (E-7) for your reward.

Class Reunion
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Carbuncle - Windurst Walls, (G-4)
Requirements: Summoner Level 50+
Items Needed: Astragalos x 4
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Evoker's Spats

Previous Quest: The Puppet Master
Next Quest: Carbuncle Debacle and Borghertz's Calling Hands

* Go to the House of the Hero in Windurst Walls and obtain Carbuncle's Tear.
o (You must zone if you do this straight after your AF Weapon quest or any quest involving Carbuncle.)
* Talk to Koru-Moru in Windurst Walls at (E-7) who asks you to bring him 4 Astragalos. These can be bought from

*Auction House Category: Weapons > Ammo & Misc. > Ammunition
* Or purchased from the Boneworker's Guild in Windurst Woods if any have been sold to the Guild.
*If you already have the Astragalos on hand, trade them to Koru-Moru.
* Talk to Fuepepe located in the Windurst Waters Aurastery at (L-6).
* Talk to Furakku-Norakku at the Windurst Waters Optistery at (G-8).
* Talk to Shantotto at her home in Windurst Walls located at (K-7). She mentions that Sunny-Pabonny left for San d'Oria and to seek him out there.
* Talk to Gulmama, a Tarutaru located at E-7 in Northern San d'Oria, who will give you the Ice Pendulum.
* Go to Fei'Yin and go to the Cloister of Frost at (I-5). Once inside, trade the Ice Pendulum to the Protocrystal and enter the battlefield after a short cutscene.
* Here you will engage 6 Dryads, sapling type monsters.
o BLM or /BLM can use Sleepga with Elemental Seal. The rest of time they resist the spell a lot. Pulling with Carbuncle appears to only work until the pulled Dryad is attacked. After that, the others automatically link, regardless of their proximity.
* Return to Windurst and talk to Koru-Moru for your reward.
o (If you chose not to talk to Fuepepe and Furakku-Norakku earlier, you will have to talk to them before Koru-Moru will give you your Evoker's Spats.)

Carbuncle Debacle
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Carbuncle - Windurst Walls, (G-4)
Requirements: Summoner Level 50+
Items Needed: Lightning Pendulum
Title: Paragon of Summoner Excellence
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Evoker's Horn

Previous Quest: Class Reunion (SMN AF2)
Next Quest: None.

* Head to the House of the Hero in Windurst Walls and hear Carbuncle's cry for help.
o (You must have SMN set as your main job to trigger the cutscene with Carbuncle.)
o (You must zone if you do this straight after your previous AF quest or any quest involving Carbuncle.)
* Next go and speak to Koru-Moru.
* Head to Mhaura and speak to Ripapa to get the Lightning Pendulum.
o Note that the quest Trial by Lightning can interfere with this portion of the quest. You may be blocked from progress any further until you can defeat Ramuh Prime and clear Trial by Lightning.
* Go to The Boyahda Tree, walk to the Cloister of Storms, trade the Lightning Pendulum to the Lightning Protocrystal and enter the battlefield.
* Defeat the two weapons, Lightning Gremlin (WAR) and Thunder Gremlin (RDM).
o The Lightning Gremlin's attacks have the additional effect of draining TP.
o The Thunder Gremlin's attacks have the additional effect of draining MP.
*Both Gremlins will resist Sleep and Repose.
*They can hit very hard, and drain 1~40 MP/TP per hit. Stoneskin will absorb the damage but not the drain effect. Blink tank suggested.
* Go back and speak to Koru-Moru. He will give you the key item Daze-Breaker Charm.
* Go to Rabao and talk to Agado-Pugado, who will give you the Wind Pendulum.
* Go to Cape Teriggan, walk to the Cloister of Gales, trade the Wind Pendulum to the Wind Protocrystal and enter the battlefield.
* Defeat Ogmios.
* Return to Windurst Walls, and talk to Koru-Moru for a cutscene and to receive the Evoker's Horn.

Borghertz's Calling Hands
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Guslam - Upper Jeuno (H-8)
Requirements: Summoner 50+, Must have started Class Reunion quest
Items Needed: Grotto Coffer Key, Toraimarai Coffer Key, Uggalepih Coffer Key
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Evoker's Bracers, Evoker's Doublet, Evoker's Pigaches

Previous Quest: Class Reunion
Next Quest: None

* Speak to Guslam at H-8 in Upper Jeuno in the Durable Shields shop and accept the quest.

The Hands
* You'll need to head to Sea Serpent Grotto and open a coffer there, so either:
* Obtain a Grotto Coffer Key; or come as a thief and bring along tools to pick the lock.
* Open a coffer in Sea Serpent Grotto and obtain the Old Gauntlets (key item).
* If you are reacquiring AF or getting AF for another job, skip this portion and proceed to the next step. If this is your first job, do the following:
* Head back to Upper Jeuno and talk to Guslam again, who will tell you he lacks the skill to repair them.
* Deadly Minnow, behind the counter in the same shop as Guslam, will tell you to find a Mithra at the Tenshodo for more information.
* Go to Lower Jeuno and go into the Tenshodo to talk to Yin Pocanakhu at J-8. Pay her 1,000 gil to hear her story.
* Head to Port Jeuno, go downstairs into the Auction House area, and find a ??? on some crates outside the Jeuno Duty-Free Shop (H-8).
* Click on the ??? for a cutscene and ask to have the gloves repaired.
* Go to F-8 in Castle Zvahl Baileys and touch one of the torches to spawn Dark Spark.
* Kill Dark Spark.
* Touch the torch again (make sure you touch the same torch you used to spawn him) to receive the Shadow Flames (key item).
* If other players in the party also need this key item, they can touch the torch as well - you don't have to fight him for each person.
* Head back to Port Jeuno and click on the ??? at the toolbox for a cutscene. This completes the quest.

The Rest
* Guslam mentions something about armor scattered about Vana'diel. You can find two more pieces of armor by simply opening coffers in the following zones:
* Temple of Uggalepih: Evoker's Doublet
* Toraimarai Canal: Evoker's Pigaches
* You must have SMN as your main job when you open these coffers.

* You must have (at least) started Class Reunion (AF2) before you can start this quest.
* If you have any other Borghertz's Hands quest active you will need to complete that one before you can get this quest.
* After starting the quest, you can obtain the rewards in any order.
* The quest is marked complete upon obtaining the gloves.
* If your coffer in Temple of Uggalepih for the Evoker's Doublet is at E-8 you will need an Uggalepih Key, if the coffer is at E-7 you will need an Uggalepih Key and a Prelate Key in addition to the Uggalepih Coffer Key to get to the chest.

(Note: The enmity reduction is for the avatar)

(Note: the summoner gains +20 elemental resistance according to what avatar he/she has out)

(Note: the enmity reduction is for the avatar)

Scholar AF Guide

On Sabbatical
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Erlene - The Eldieme Necropolis (S) (J-8)
Requirements: Scholar level 40+
Items Needed: None
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, by erasing AF memoryVerification Needed
Reward: Klimaform

Previous Quest: A Little Knowledge
Next Quest: Downward Helix

* Go to The Eldieme Necropolis (S) and talk to Erlene for a cutscene. You'll be given the key item Ulbrecht's Sealed Letter.
* Go to Bastok Markets (S) and talk to Gentle Tiger by the entrance to Metalworks (H-6) for a cutscene with Nicolaus.
* Go to Pashhow Marshlands (S) and click the "Indescript Markings" at the northwest corner of (E-11) for another cutscene. You'll receive the key item Schultz's Sealed Letter.
* Go back to The Eldieme Necropolis (S) and talk to Erlene for a final cutscene to complete the quest and receive your reward.

Note: After accepting the quest as Scholar, everything else can be done with any other Job active.

Downward Helix
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Erlene - The Eldieme Necropolis (S) (J-8)
Requirements: Scholar Level 50+
Items Needed: Ulbrecht's Mortarboard
Title: None
Repeatable: No
Reward: Scholar's Bracers

Previous Quest: On Sabbatical
Next Quest: Seeing Blood-red

* Talk to Erlene to begin the quest (wait until next game day and zone after completing On Sabbatical.)
* Erlene sends you to Southern San d'Oria (S) to gather information from a council. You will receive a cutscene upon zoning into Southern San d'Oria (S).
* After the cutscene, travel back to The Eldieme Necropolis (S) and talk to Erlene.
* Zone into Sauromugue Champaign (S) from Rolanberry Fields (S) for a cutscene.
* Examine the Indescript Markings at the southeastern section of (J-7) in Sauromugue Champaign (S) for a cutscene (not obtainable during earth weather). You will receive the key item Ulbrecht's Mortarboard.
* Return to Erlene for the final cutscene and your reward.

Note: You only need to be on Scholar for the first cutscene. The rest of them you can be on any job.

Seeing Blood-red
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Erlene - The Eldieme Necropolis (S) (J-8)
Requirements: Scholar Level 50+
Items Needed: Unaddressed Sealed Letter, Porting Magic Transcript
Title: Summa Cum Laude
Repeatable: No
Reward: Scholar's Mortarboard

Previous Quest: Downward Helix
Next Quest: Survival of the Wisest

* Talk to Erlene on sch job to begin the quest. (You will need to wait until next game day and zone after completing Downward Helix.)
* Return to the Indescript Markings at E-11 of Pashhow Marshlands (S). You will obtain an Unaddressed Sealed Letter.
* Return to Erlene for a cutscene.
* Read the Unaddressed Sealed Letter key item. Then talk to Erlene again to obtain a Porting Magic Transcript.
* Travel to Grauberg (S) and investigate the blank spot at E-10. You can find it in a cave entered at F-10.
o Beware of the Grauberg Hippogryphs, for they have True Sight and will aggro a level 75 player.
* Inspect the Indescript Markings nearby to enter the BCNM.
o Only the party leader can transport the party into the arena, so lead must be passed to someone that currently has the quest active to enter.
* After completing the BCNM, return to Erlene for your reward.
o If you fail the BCNM, Erlene will give you another Porting Magic Transcript, but will ask for a Sheet of Vellum in exchange.

* You will be transported to the Ruhotz Silvermines for a battlefield event against Ulbrecht.
o You may get a message stating, "The hands of darkness prevent you from proceeding," after being checked to enter the battle. Originally thought to be held back due to a campaign battle, but entry was allowed shortly after still during the battle.
* Will cast the following spells: Regen II, Cure IV, Protect III, Shell III, Drain, Aspir, Dispel, Sleep, and all Tier III elemental nukes.
* Attacks with a dagger. Deals ~50 damage against average defense.
* Every minute, he will use a random Dark Arts Stratagem. These Stratagems do not wear off when he casts a spell, and last for the minute until he uses another one.
* His Stratagems are stronger versions of players' Stratagems. Alacrity will make his spells instant cast, Manifestation will make all of his spells Area of Effect, and Ebullience will significantly boost his elemental and healing magics.
* Is immune to Silence and Resists Sleep (BLM was able to land Sleep II first time without ES; 2nd and 3rd times required ES..) Other status effects, including Stun, seem to have a normal chance for landing.
* At 50% HP, he will use Tabula Rasa. While under its effect, his Stratagems do not wear off, allowing him to cast spells under the simultaneous effect of all of his Stratagems.
* At around 15% HP, he gives up and the battle ends.

The Rest:

Scholar Loafers:

*Speak to Loussaire at G-10 in Bastok Markets (S) and choose the Scholar's Loafers. (Wait one game day and zone if you have previously completed this quest for another piece of armor.) Must be SCH to activate the first time from Loussaire, after first activation can be on any job for remaining items.
* Loussaire will ask for the following key items:
o Rafflesia Dreamspit - Obtained from Indescript Markings located at I-9/H-8/G-7(crossing point of 3 ways in south-western part of this quadrant) /I-10/H-5/G-5 in Fort Karugo-Narugo (S)
* Note: The markings are on the outside portion of the map, not in the fort itself.
* Note: Checking the Indescript Markings will cause sneak to wear and the markings will jump each time it is checked.
o Drogarogan Bonemeal - Obtained from Indescript Markings located at the southwesternmost corner of E-7 in Meriphataud Mountains (S) on the south side of Drogaroga's Spine. If you are the side where the Gnats roam, you are on the wrong side. You will see Scolopendrid on the way to the right side of the southern end.
*Only appears in the day from 7:00-17:00 game time.
*Does not appear during dusty weather.
*Seems to only appear when the south side of the crystal vein has sunlight.
*Does not disappear when checked allowing multiple SCH to receive the bonemeal at the same time.
*Dissapears during campaign battle
o You will not get a cut scene, but you will instantly lose sneak and invisible upon collecting the item. Keep this in mind if there is any nearby aggro.
o Key items can be obtained on any job after activating the quest.

Scholar Pants:

*Speak to Loussaire at G-10 in Bastok Markets (S) and choose the Scholar's Pants. (Wait one game day and zone if you have previously completed this quest for another piece of armor.) Must be SCH to activate the first time from Loussaire, after first activation can be on any job for remaining items.
* Loussaire will ask for the following key items:
o Slug Mucus - Obtained from Indescript Markings at J-6/G-6/K-5(southeastern part on a rock)/I-6/I-7 in Pashhow Marshlands (S)
*Does not pop during Rainy or Stormy Weather.
*Changes location on Weather changes and jumps after it's selected during this quest.
o Djinn Ember - Obtained from Indescript Markings at D-11 in Vunkerl Inlet (S)
*Spawns on top of the fire in the middle of the Ignis Djinns between the ??? and the gate to Jugner Forest (S) (D-11).
*Appears in windy or clear weather. Indescript Markings are noted to disappear when the time hits 6:00AM. You must wait for 16:00 or windy weather to appear in the area.

Scholar Gown:

*Speak to Loussaire at G-10 in Bastok Markets (S) and choose the Scholar's Gown. (Wait one game day and zone if you have previously completed this quest for another piece of armor.) Must be SCH to activate the first time from Loussaire, after first activation can be on any job for remaining items.
* Loussaire will ask for the following key items:
o Sample of Gaurberg Chert - Obtained from Indescript Markings in Grauberg (S) in the center of D-8 on one of the rock pillars that are in a circle. (This only appears in when weather is windy.)
*If you have to wait for windy weather to appear again, you can wait safely in the center of the rock pillar circle until windy weather appears again but beware the Ajattara that are near in case they wander too close.
o Peiste Dung - Obtained from Indescript Markings in the southern parts of Pashhow Marshlands (S) at the I-10, H-10, J-9, J-10, K-8, K-9 and K-10 positions. The markings do not spawn during rainy weather and will move after someone with the quest active checks them.
o Start on the road at the North of K-9 and follow the road to H-9 using tab and you will follow the markings just off of the road.
* Key items can be obtained on any job after activating the quest.

(Note: increases the magic accuracy for spells of the same element as the current weather)

(Note: rate at which HP lost and MP stored is increased to 3 per tick)

(Note: reduces casting time by 9% and recast time by 5%
"Grimoire":means whenver either light arts or dark arts is active)

(Note: Enfeebling magic skill +15, Healing magic skill +15, Divine Magic skill+15, enhancing magic skill +15)

(Note: Enfeebling magic skill +15, Elemental Magic skill +15, Dark magic skill +15)

Samurai AF Guide

The Sacred Katana
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
This is the first Samurai Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF1.

Start NPC: Jaucribaix - Norg (K-8)
Requirements: Samurai 40+
Items Needed: Mumeito, Sack of Fish Bait
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, after AF complete
Reward: Magoroku

Previous Quest: Forge Your Destiny
Next Quest: Yomi Okuri

* Jaucribaix asks you to bring him the Mumeito he gave you when you became a Samurai and a handful of crystal scales.
* If you dropped the Mumeito, Ranemaud will sell you another one for 30,000 gil after you have accepted the quest.
* To get the scales you need to find a Sack of Fish Bait which is dropped by Goblin Robbers in the Sanctuary of Zi'Tah.
* Trade the Sack of Fish Bait to the ??? at (E-8) near a lake in the Sanctuary of Zi'Tah to spawn a pugil NM Isonade.
* Defeat Isonade and reexamine the ??? again to receive the Handful of Crystal Scales (key item).
* If you have multiple people on the quest, you only need to kill Isonade once. Therefore, one Sack of Fish Bait is enough for your entire group.
* Return to Norg and trade the Mumeito to Jaucribaix to complete the quest.

Yomi Okuri
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
This is the second Samurai Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF2.

Start NPC: Gilgamesh - Norg (L-8)
Requirements: Samurai 50+
Items Needed: Giant Sheep Meat, Frost Turnip, Bastore Sardine, Hecteyes Eye
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Myochin Sune-Ate

Previous Quest: The Sacred Katana
Next Quest: A Thief in Norg!? and, Borghertz's Loyal Hands

* After completing The Sacred Katana, you must wait until at least midnight (JST) before you can initiate this quest.
* Head to Norg and talk to Jaucribaix who will mention that a sacred ritual to guide the lost spirits of the dead is needed, but that he's missing a feather from a special bird, found only in the Labyrinth of Onzozo.
* Speak with Washu J-8 who will mention that she's out of ingredients and asks you to bring her a piece of Giant Sheep Meat, a Frost Turnip, a Bastore Sardine, and a Hecteyes Eye.
* Bring her all four ingredients, and she'll give you Washu's Tasty Wurst (key item) needed to lure the bird out.
* Head to Buburimu Peninsula and enter the Labyrinth of Onzozo.
* Stick to the left wall all the way until you see a hut with a ??? at (F-8).
* Click the ??? and choose to lay down the Washu's Tasty Wurst to spawn a NM bird Ubume. Be prepared for AoE Sleep attack (Only casts Horde Lullaby, about every 30 seconds, not immediately after recast cooldown).
* Defeat Ubume and reexamine the ??? to obtain the Yomotsu Feather (key item).
* Return to Norg with the feather, and speak with Jaucribaix, who will accept the feather.
* Wait until JST Midnight, zone out then back into Norg, and speak with him again and he will say that he has finally forged the katana, which he named the Yomotsu Hirasaka.
* You will receive a key item and be asked to take it to Valkurm Dunes.
* Travel to Valkurm Dunes and head to the secret beach at (B-7) in the upper Northwest corner of the map.
* Search the shoreline for a ??? spot, wait until nightfall (18:00 - 4:00), and click the spot. Choose to initiate the ritual.
* Possible to pop the NMs shortly after 04:00. Time frame is possibly 18:00 - 06:00Verification Needed(Attempted to pop this shortly after 05:00 and was not able to. If someone actually did pop it after 4:00, it would abnormally be before 5:00)
* Two NMs spawn, Doman, a shadow, and Onryo, a ghost. Both are Black Mages, and Onryo can use Ancient Magic. Doman might as well. Verification Needed
* Both NMs are resistant to Stun.
* The two NMs can be spawned with sneak active to allow them to be fought one at a time.
o Sneak will wear on a ranged attack, so you must pull outside of sound aggro range.
* You only need to fight one as long as you sneak to spawn the NM's. Allow time for the one you did not pull to despawn and finish off the one you choose to fight.
* After defeating both NMs, reexamine the ??? spot to obtain the Faded Yomotsu Hirasaka (key item).
* If you zone out and dont examine ??? you will need to fight both NMs again.
* Travel back to Norg and talk to Jaucribaix to complete the quest.

A Thief in Norg!?
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
This is the third Samurai Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF3.

Start NPC: Gilgamesh - Norg (L-8)
Requirements: Samurai 50+
Items Needed: Gold Thread
Title: Paragon of Samurai Excellence
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Myochin Kabuto

Previous Quest: Yomi Okuri
Next Quest: None

* Wait until JST Midnight after completing Yomi Okuri, zone out then back into Norg and switch Samurai to your Main Job to activate this quest.
* Speak with Jaucribaix who sends you to speak with Gilgamesh.
* Speak to Sanosuke, at the Duty Free Shop in Port Jeuno.
* Speak to Phoochuchu in Mhaura (H-8).
* Go to the lower road in Bastok Mines and open the door at (J-6) for a cutscene
* Head to the Waughroon Shrine in the Palborough Mines for another cutscene.
* Go back to Norg and report what happened to Jaucribaix, who will hand you a Banishing Charm (RareExclusive)
((Note: Only one person needs a Banishing Charm to begin the fight. All party members that have quest started will still need to bring the charm to be able to gain Charred Helm in the event of a won battle.))
* Assemble a party, return to Waughroon Shrine, and trade the Banishing Charm to the Burning Circle to enter the BCNM. Buffs Do not wear upon entering the fight.
* Buffs do not wear upon entering this fight.
* You must kill the following three demon NMs within a 30 minute time limit:

* Gaki (BLM)
* Onki (plus Onki's summon, Onibi) (SMN)
* Rasetsu (DRK)

* Demons appear to be level 66-67.
* Neither Sleep nor Silence will affect the demons. You can put the elemental to Sleep however.
* Paralyze will affect demons.
* It is recommended that the NMs be killed in the order above. All are capable of using their 2-hour abilities.
* When Onki uses Astral Flow, even if he has Onibi (an Elemental) out, it can summon an Avatar named Ayakashi, which can be any of the 6 original Celestial Avatars.
*Gaki can cast Burst in relatively quick succession, make sure to stun or have shadows.

* After the 3 demons are slain, watch another cut scene in which a ninja named Ren will appear and hand you the Charred Helm (a key item).
* Return to Jaucribaix.
* Acquire a Gold Thread and bring it to Jaucribaix. Wait until next JST Midnight and speak again to Jaucribaix to complete the quest. You must zone out of Norg and back in to get the final cut scene.

Borghertz's Loyal Hands
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Guslam - Upper Jeuno (H-8)
Requirements: Samurai 50+, Must have started Yomi Okuri quest
Items Needed: Kuftal Coffer Key, Quicksand Coffer Key, Uggalepih Coffer Key
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Myochin Kote, Myochin Haidate, Myochin Domaru

Previous Quest: Yomi Okuri
Next Quest: None

* Speak to Guslam at H-8 in Upper Jeuno in the Durable Shields shop and accept the quest.

The Hands
* You'll need to head to Kuftal Tunnel and open a coffer there, so either:
* Obtain a Kuftal Coffer Key; or come as a thief and bring along tools to pick the lock.
* Open a coffer in Kuftal Tunnel and obtain the Old Gauntlets (key item).
* If you are reacquiring AF or getting AF for another job, skip this portion and proceed to the next step. If this is your first job, do the following:
* Head back to Upper Jeuno and talk to Guslam again, who will tell you he lacks the skill to repair them.
* Deadly Minnow, behind the counter in the same shop as Guslam, will tell you to find a Mithra at the Tenshodo for more information.
* Go to Lower Jeuno and go into the Tenshodo to talk to Yin Pocanakhu at J-8. Pay her 1,000 gil to have her give you the location of a toolbox.
* Head to Port Jeuno, go downstairs into the Auction House area, and find a ??? on some crates outside the Jeuno Duty-Free Shop (H-8).
* Click on the ??? for a cutscene and ask to have the gloves repaired.
* Go to F-8 in Castle Zvahl Baileys and touch one of the torches to spawn Dark Spark.
* Kill Dark Spark.
* Touch the torch again (make sure you touch the same torch you used to spawn him) to receive the Shadow Flames (key item).
* If other players in the party also need this key item, they can touch the torch as well - you don't have to fight him for each person.
* Head back to Port Jeuno and click on the ??? at the toolbox for a cutscene. This completes the quest.

The Rest
* Guslam mentions something about armor scattered about Vana'diel. You can find two more pieces of armor by simply opening coffers in the following zones:
* Quicksand Caves: Myochin Haidate
* Temple of Uggalepih: Myochin Domaru

* You must have SAM as your main job when you open these coffers.

* If you have any other Borghertz's Hands quest active you will need to complete that one before you can get this quest.
* After starting the quest, you can obtain the rewards in any order.
* The quest is marked complete upon obtaining the gloves.
* If your coffer in Temple of Uggalepih for the Myochin Domaru is at E-8 you will need an Uggalepih Key, if the coffer is at E-7 you will need an Uggalepih Key and a Prelate Key in addition to the Uggalepih Coffer Key to get to the chest.

(Note: increases duration of warding circle by 1 minute
increases duration of meditate by 2-4 seconds giving extra 20-40 TP)

(Note: occasionally boosts TP 1-3 points when damaged)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Red Mage AF Guide

Special thanks to Erahdel

Red Mage AF1 Fencing Degen
Talk to Sharzalion at the bar in the Lion Springs Tavern. He wants some Orcish Dry Food.
To get this food, you need to get a key to open the Storage Hole which spawns randomly about Davoi.
You need to start this quest while being a Red Mage, but there's no need to fight the NM and attain the key item on Red Mage.
Travel to Davoi and defeat Purpleflash Brukdok around (E-9)/(F-9). He will drop the Davoi Storage Key.
Purpleflash Brukdok pops automatically every few minutes (about 5 to 10 min between spawns). If he is not there when you arrive, wait a little while. It should be soloable with any job level 60 or higher, and don't forget buffs like Shell, as it will attack you with several -ga spells and possibly use Manafont. Other orcs spawn in that area and they will link with the NM.
Note: there are a few orcs on the way that aggro even at 75, also all nearby orcs linked SMN75's Garuda fighting the NM.
Note: coming /NIN for the NM greatly helps. He spams Bio, Poison, Sleep that minimize risk of death.
The Storage Hole spawns randomly around Davoi, so just hunt around until you find it. There are patterns on the ground which identify potential spawn positions. The patterns look like someone stretched animal skins over a hole in the ground, except that they are the same colors as the ground. There are 4 "skins" in a pattern forming a rough circle divided into 4 quadrants with a fifth small "skin" covering the middle. Trade the key to it to receive the Orcish Dry Food (key item). The location changes each game day and disappears upon trading the Davoi Storage Key.
Some known locations of the Storage Hole are at (F-6), (G-9), (G-10), (K-10), (E-10), (F-7), (K-7), (I-7), (F-9), (K-9), and another at (J-8). There are other locations it can spawn in, anywhere on the map.
It is possible for the Storage Hole to spawn on top of the hill at (H-8), which is only accessable via the Monastic Cavern.
Once you have obtained the Orcish Dry Food, talk to Sharzalion to receive your Fencing Degen.

Red Mage AF 2 (One Who Dwells in Darkness)
Requirements: Must be a Red Mage of Level 50 +; Must have completed "The Crimson Ordeal"

The quest begins with Curilla in Chateau d'Oraguille. When you speak to her, she asks you to investigate the spirit in the Cathedral in North San d'Oria, she will give you the Key Item "An Old Pocketwatch". Go to the Cathedral in North San d'Oria, and go to the basement. Talk to Pagisalis there, and he will tell you that in order to pray, you must donate a "Square of Velvet Cloth", this is created from Weaving tradeskill, and is also buyable at the AH (Ran about 3k on Sylph). When you give him the cloth, you will see an event, and you will obtain "Old Boots". Return to Curilla, and you will see another event. During the event, Prince Trion will tell you, that the only way to exorcize the boots, is to bury them in a Crawler's Nest with Crawler's Blood, for a period of time. Curilla will then ask you to do this in her stead. Once you agree, go to Crawler's Nest. There kill Blazer Beatles, Mushussu, Rumble Crawlers and Exorays for a "Nest Chest Key" (These are all VT-IT to 45, but are easily doable with a single full PT, you MAY even be able to get some people camping the Exorays for Limit 1 quest to give you an extra key if they have them rotting). Then, open any Treasure Chest in Crawler's Nest (2 Notes: a. Treasure Chest NOT Treasure Coffer, they are completely different; b. You can not do this until AFTER Prince Trion tells you you need Crawler's Blood. If you do it before, you will only get the normal chest items). The Treasure chest will yield Key Item "Crawler's Blood". From there, go to I-10 of the North Crawlers Nest Map and find the ???. When you click on the ???, it will ask if you like to bury the Boots and Blood. Say yes, and then wait till the next RL day, in JST (Or after 10 AM EST). Click on the ??? again, and you will complete the quest and receive Warlock Boots.

Red Mage AF Gloves (The Vermillion Armguard of Bergholz)
Requirements: Must be a Red Mage of level 50+; Must have completed "The Crimson Ordeal" and "One Who Dwells in Darkness".

This quest begins with Guslam, in Upper Jeuno, Armor Shop. When you speak with him, you will see an event, in which he will tell you that Bergholz once created a set of unrivaled gloves for every job, and that they were lost after the Great War. He also tells you that a great many artifacts and great pieces of armor were lost then as well. **
From there, go to The Eldieme Necropolis. Kill Tomb Mages, Tomb Warriors, Haunts and Spriggans until you get an Eldieme Coffer Key (Note: This part is horrible, the undead are very tough, almost killing a full 56 PT, and they were only VT-IT; I strongly recommend, bringing an alliance and getting the key for everyone that needs it at once, as several jobs require it including PLD, BLM and WHM, just so you NEVER have to return). Once you have the coffer key, open any Coffer in Eldieme to recieve Key Item "Old Gloves". When you have the gloves, return to Gulsam, and he will tell you he is unable to repair the gloves. From there, go to Tenshodo Headquarters in lower Jeuno. Talk to the Mithra there (Sorry I don't recall the name, but its the only one there), and she will tell you, that for 1000 gil, she will tell you where Bergholz' tool box is. When you pay the gil, she tells you, so head to Port Jeuno, and click on the ??? in front of the Duty Free Shop. You will see an event, in which Bergholz will ask if you wish to commission a pair of gloves. Say yes, and he will ask you to return with the gloves and "Black Flames" from Castle Zvhal. Go to Castle Zvhal, and from there, go to straight up the main path, and when you come to a cross roads go straight. You will see a gate, and there will be a "Torch" there. Click on the "Torch" and Dark Spark spawns. Kill it, and then click on the "Torch" again to receive Key Item "Black Flame" (2 notes again on this a. Everyone who needs "Black Flame" can click on the torch to receive it, so killing Dark Spark will accomplish this for as many people that participate; b. Dark Spark is not very difficult. In fact, the Undead in Eldieme for the Coffer key were signifigantly harder, a solid group of 54 will have no problems with him). Once you have the "Black Flame" return to Port Jeuno, click on the ??? in front of the Duty Free Shop again, and Bergholz will appear again, and give you Warlock Gloves, and complete the quest.

Red Mage AF Tights
Requirements: Must be a Red Mage of level 50+; Must have completed "The Crimson Ordeal"; "One Who Dwells in Darkness"; and to have accepted the quest "The Vermillion Armguard of Bergholz".

Once you have completed the section under "The Vermillion Armguard of Bergholz" I notated with a **. Go to Garlaige Citidel, and there, kill Fallen Major's, Fallen Mages, Wraith's, Hellmines, Over Weapons, Vault Weapons, Magic Jugs or Tainted Flesh to receive a Garlaige Coffer Key. When you have that, open any Coffer within Garlaige Citidel, and you will receive Warlock's Tights.

Red Mage AF Tabbard
Requirements: Must be a Red Mage of level 50+; Must have completed "The Crimson Ordeal"; "One Who Dwells in Darkness"; and to have accepted the quest "The Vermillion Armguard of Bergholz".

Once you have completed the section under "The Vermillion Armguard of Bergholz" I notated with a **. Go to Castle Oztroja, and there, kill Yagudo Flagellent, Yagudo Prelate, Yagudo Conductor, or Yagudo Assassins to receive an Oztroja Coffer Key. When you have that, open any Coffer within Castle Oztroja, and you will receive Warlock's Tabbard.

Red Mage AF 3 (Peace for the Spirit)
Requirements: Must be a Red Mage of Level 50 +; Must have completed "The Crimson Ordeal" and "One Who Dwells in Darkness".

The quest, again begins with Curilla in Chateau d'Oraguille. She will ask you to continue your investigation on what had happened to Raimenard, her father. From there, go to Sharzalion in South San d'Oria again, and he will tell you, that the only way to speak with a spirit that he knows of, is too dangerous. This however does not stop his friend behind the bar from telling you how to do it, because he wants to hear a good story! You will be told that the only way is to throw an old coin into the Fountain in the ruins of Fei'Yin. Fei'Yin is located far to the North, at the Northern end of the Beaucidine Glacier. Once there, proceed north until you get to the large, central Fountain Room, which is at (H-8) on the first floor. In this room, there is a Notorious Monster named Miser Murphy. He spawns, every time a Red Mage that is at that point in the quest enters that room. (If you are going to kill him enough times for every Red Mage, make sure they all are at that point in the quest, or else he will stop spawning). Miser Murphy is about level 60ish, is a normal Ghost style monster, and is doable with about 6-12 level 60+. He is not very difficult, but can be rather....obnoxious. Be very careful though, he does cast Ancient Spells, and can attack with an added effect Drain, that does 500 damage, make 100% certain the tank is being healed constantly. Also watch your levels...the room is full of Revenants and Clockwork Pods which you do not want them to agro you. When you kill Miser Murphy, it drops an Ancient Coin. Trade the coin to the point at the North end of the fountain, also in (H-8). You will be treated to another event.
After the event, return to Sharzalion and tell him what you saw. Then speak with his friend behind the bar again. You will be told, that they can not help you further, but maybe one of the other patrons can. If you speak to the Galka in the same bar, he will tell you, that while he was exploring Garlaige Citidel, that he came upon a strange box, that he was unable to open, however with a Nail Puller, you may be able to open it.
Now, head to Garlaige Citidel, bring alot of friends with you for this though, as this part can be rough. Immediately behind the first Banishing Gate, in the rooms right there, you will find an Oaken Box. Clear all the Undead from those rooms before you examine it though. When you do, Guardian Statue will spawn. It is recomended to have about 18 Level 55's or about 12 Level 60s for this part. Guardian Statue is a "Doll" type model, it CAN explode like a bomb, but I don't recall seeing this one do so. It also has an AE attack that does about 200-300 damage to everyone around. When it is dead, it will drop a "Nail Puller", trade this to the Oaken Box, and you will see yet another event. Return to North San d'Oria at this point. As soon as you enter North San d'Oria, you will witness another event, complete the quest, and receive your Chapaou. Also, for an added bonus, you get the new title "Paragon of Red Mage Excellence".
Garlaige Citadel(Trousers)-
The coffer key to this one is no brainer, the mobs are pretty easy to get to and pretty easy to kill.
The coffer is always gonna be behind a banishing gate so you're gonna need to bring a pt and open the gates. I would recommend you have your pt open one of the gates and if you can't find the coffer behind the one you go thru, logout there and come back an hour or so later and search again.
Eldieme Necropolis(Gloves)-
Bringing an alliance is a really really BAD idea.
The reason is you will be fighting skeleton mobs and when they do thier AOE drain, if there are 10 ppl meleeing it, it will gain back 100% HP so your gonna be fighting it forever and wasting tons of mp on heals. Also you need to sneak pretty far into the necropolis to get to the camp spots and moving 18 people around is quite a daunting task. You're gonna want to keep the number of people going to a bare minimum. What I would personally recomend is an XP pt configuration of lvl 55ish. If you can, bring a monk or even better two of them (THF subbing monks works GREAT too), you will beat skeleton mobs down in record time with 2 hand-to-hand users. The best camp spot is to goto the southern-most room on the 1st floor of necro (have someone open doors with switches) then drop into center hole and hug the wall to your left until you get to a stairway, then pull tomb skeletons from inside the rooms @ the top of the stairs. (you will have to clear liches away 1st but they are EP/DC to 55+.
Castle Oztroja(Body)-
A balanced pt of 55+ can get this, the problem is the lack of safe pulling spots. A good alternative method for getting this if you have time/patience is to camp in Castle Oztroja and do /sea until you see a lvl 70 ninja come in. (usually JP) Quite often, JP NINs will come into castle oz to solo Yagudo Assassins for thier limit5 Ninja Testimony. The assassins also drop coffer keys so send them /tells and ask if you can be thier healer/haster in exchange for keeping any coffer key drops. They will usually say ok, so all you gotta do is keep them healed and buffed while they bash away at assassins and usually a coffer key will drop before a testimony does. I found this method to be alot easier than bringing a PT because you're gonna be the only one needing the key.
The coffer in here is a real bitch to get cuz of all the thieves camping astral rings, I would recommend just running around for a few hours and hoping you run into it before a THF does.

(Note: spellcastine time -10% spell recast time -5%)