Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ranger AF Guide

Special Thanks to Erahdel

Hunter's Beret (54):
Talk to Perih Vashai after you are level 51 to get the quest.
Then talk to Koh Lenbalalako for more information.
Once you speak to Koh, another cutscene ensues. In it you find out more about the whereabouts of the Traitor's Daughter's remains... in Eldieme Necropolis.
Upon entering Eldieme Necropolis you get another cutscene in which the Mithra Tracker wants you to go ahead of her and "clear the way" to the tombstone (southernmost G-9 of 4 chambers in the Eldieme Necropolis area accessible from I-10 in Batallia Downs.) At this point any RNG doing this quest should be able to solo their way to the room with some luck and a few silent oils. The only barrier lies in the possibility of closed doors in which case a friend going to the central room and flipping the appropriate switches is a godsend. When you get to the tombstone (in a small hallway off the north side of the southernmost chamber), examine it but be very careful of the Azer that is typically there... it's one of the few mobs in Eldieme Necropolis that will aggro by sight and it's almost sure to attack you at some point. Upon examining the
tombstone (and once the cutscene is over), you can leave.
Go back to Windurst and talk to Perih Vashal once more where you will see another cutscene. You are confronted with the tracker and Perih once more and find out that you will need to go to Castle Oztroja and find an Old Earring. This time the tracker doesn't want to go with you as they feel that only a Ranger will be able to obtain the Old Earring.
When you get to Castle Oztroja you need to go past the first doorway with the trapdoor and proceed up to the 2nd doorway with the 4 lever switches (which leads to the Yagudo Abbot ridden area for one of the WHM AF). Once inside this doorway proceed all the way up the stairs to a chamber with a pool in the middle of it. This pool will be surrounded by Yagudo and full of Leeches called Yagudo Parasites. From here, run into the pool, make sure no Yagudo are lookin' your way, Scavenge, Camouflage, and run back out of the room to the safety of the hallway. You may not get the item the first try, but at this point simply wait 5 min, reapply sneak/invis and repeat as many times as necessary for the item.
Return to Perih in Windurst. After the final cutscene, you will receive the Hunter's Beret.

Hunter's Bracers (52):
Garlaige Citadel then Dark Spark
Fallen Mage, Fallen Major, Hellmine, Magic Jug, Over Weapon, Tainted Flesh, Vault Weapon, Wraith
Hunter's Jerkin (58):
Monastic Caverns
orcs on the island?
Hunter's Braccae (56):
Crawler's Nest
Crawler Hunter, Helm Beetle, Knight Crawler, Water Elemental

Hunter's Socks (60):
Buy a Gold Earring from the AH.
After you have completed Fire & Brimstone (a.k.a. Tribe of Fire) talk to Perih to continue the search for the sinner. Go to Mhaura, the mithra standing in the corner of the Smithing guild tells you part of a story, and tells the rest when you give her a gold earring. Trade her the earring (that you brought along) and she continues her story about the sinner and Xarcabard.
Follow the sinner to Xarcabard, and a cut scene starts where the tracker talks to you. Go to the cave in E-7, and examine the ???. A cut scene starts where a tiger starts attacking you. You must kill Koenigstiger to continue.
Once you kill the tiger, go to the cave @ E-8. examine the ???. After another cut scene, examine the ??? at E-8 again to get a bonus prize of 99 ice arrows.
Travel back to Windurst and talk to Perih. You are rewarded the Hunter's Socks for your help and hard work.

Sniping bow (40):
Perih Vashai will ask you to hand Semih Lafihna the Chieftainness' Twinstone Earring (key item), and tells you to speak with the Sibyl Guard Semih Lafihna in Ranguemont Pass, which can be reached in the northeast of East Ronfaure near San d'Oria.
When you enter Ranguemont Pass, proceed north until you reach the guarded door, and talk to Perchond (F-10).
After the cutscene, have Myffore open the door and head through.
Start off going north and east, but head north at the T and northwest until you find the Evil Weapons at (E-5). Kill these for the Glittersand.
Return back and trade the Glittersand to Perchond, who will give you a key item "Perchond's Envelope."
Head to Jugner Forest and near the large lake you will find Alexius (I-6), who will tell you to inspect the ??? just south of the lake, at H-6, during the Full Moon.
For the moon to be full, the cycle needs to be >90%.
Check the ??? during a full moon, watch a cutscene, and return to Perih Vashai for your reward.

(Note: extends the duration of camoflauge effect)

(Note: increases duration of bind effect by 10 seconds)

(Note: does not extend duration of ability: item appears to increase ranged accuracy bonus given by sharpshot)

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