Friday, December 19, 2008

Warrior AF Guide

The Doorman
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
Start NPC: Phara - Bastok Mines (J-9)
Requirements: Warrior 40+
Items Needed: None
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, after AF completed
Reward: Razor Axe

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: The Talekeeper's Truth

* Phara, an elderly Hume woman at J-9 in Bastok Mines will ask you for some Sword Grip Material (key item) from Davoi.
* Enter Davoi and head almost directly south to a small open area, down to a short, narrow path until you reach the wide-open area of K-9 and K-10.
* The Orcs (including tier 4) here are aggressive to Sight only.
* Scout around for the 'Hide Flap' on one of the tents scattered around the area of K-9/10. Kill off all nearby Orcs to avoid any potential links, buff and when ready, touch the ‘Hide Flap’ and spawn two NM Orcs, Gavotvut and Barakbok.
* Your job does not have to be Warrior to spawn the NMs.
* Barakbok is a Dark Knight and should be killed first. Gavotvut is a Warrior.
* Both Orcs are highly resistant to sleep.
* Zoning the Orcs and fighting them one by one does not work. However, it is possible to only fight the WAR by pulling the orcs, along with a large train down to the river. Upon hitting the water they will lose hate, and you will be able to fight only the WAR NM.
* After both have died, find where the ‘Hide Flap’ has moved to (still in the same area, it should not be very far away) and examine it again to be presented with the Sword Grip Material.
* Warning: If you have multiple warriors doing this quest, you will have to kill the notorious monsters for each warrior. Only the warrior that spawned the NMs will get the key item upon inspecting that hide flap; if another warrior inspects that flap the NMs will spawn again.
* Take this back to Phara, who asks you to come back tomorrow.
* Wait until the next Vana'diel day. No need to rezone.
* Return to Phara and you will receive Yasin's Sword (key item), which she asks you to take to her grandson.
* Her grandson is Naji, who is a doorman at the Presidential Office in the Metalworks (J-8).
* After a cut scene, Naji will give you the Razor Axe.

The Talekeeper's Truth
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia
Start NPC: Deidogg - Bastok Mines (H-6)
Requirements: Warrior 50+
Items Needed: Mottled Quadav Egg, Parasite Skin
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Fighter's Calligae

Previous Quest: The Doorman
Next Quest: The Talekeeper's Gift and, Borghertz's Warring Hands

* Phara, at (J-9) in the Bastok Mines tells you about the Galka Deidogg at (H-6) in the Bastok Mines.
* You will need to speak with Deidogg twice to receive the cutscene where he will ask you for a Mottled Quadav Egg dropped by Ni'Ghu Nestfender in Palborough Mines.
* From the first map in Palborough Mines, take the elevator at I-8 up to the Third Floor. Ni'Ghu Nestfender spawns from a ??? located in G-10. Nothing here will be high enough to aggro you, and the room is usually empty, but if some Quadav have wandered in, of course, clear the area beforehand.
* When your party is ready, examine the ??? to spawn Ni'Ghu Nestfender. He is a Paladin, and will use Invincible and Flash.
* When he is defeated, he will drop the Mottled Quadav Egg.
* Make sure you do not touch the ??? again or it will spawn another Ni'Ghu Nestfender and you will have to do the fight again.
* After you bring the Mottled Quadav Egg to Deidogg, the cutscene suggests that you get a Parasite Skin from Castle Oztroja.
* Note: Since Parasite Skin is a normal drop off the leeches in Castle Oztroja, you can save yourself a trip to Bastok if you catch a Teleport-Mea and head to Castle Oztroja before returning to town. You can kill two birds with one stone this way, and trade the skin after trading the egg to Deidogg when you arrive in Bastok Mines.
* If you would rather take the extra trip, remember that there is a ferry from Palborough Mines to Zeruhn Mines which will put you right next to Bastok Mines.
* When you get to Castle Oztroja you need to go past the first doorway with the trapdoor and proceed up to the 4 lever door at the SW corner of G-8. You can find the combination to the door at the dead-end at (I-10).
* Once inside this doorway proceed all the way up the stairs to a chamber with a pool in the middle of it. This pool will be surrounded by Tier 6 Yagudo and full of the leeches you need to kill.
* The leeches aggro by sound and the Yagudo aggro by sight.
* Kill a Yagudo Parasite and obtain the Parasite Skin.
* Head back to Deidogg and trade him the Parasite Skin. He will ask you to return the next Vana'diel day.
* When you return, he will present you with your hard-earned Fighter's Calligae.

The Talekeeper's Gift
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Deidogg - Bastok Mines (H-6)
Requirements: Warrior 50+
Items Needed: Ginger Cookie
Title: Paragon of Warrior Excellence
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Fighter's Lorica

Previous Quest: The Talekeeper's Truth
Next Quest: None

* NOTE: After getting your Fighter's Calligae, you must wait until JP midnight to flag this quest.
* Speak to Deidogg, and then go around the corner to the small Galka child, Detzo, who will tell you Deidogg secretly likes Ginger Cookies.
* Trade a Ginger Cookie to Deidogg to be given the quest.
* Then zone in to Behemoth's Dominion from Qufim Island. At (G-5) near the tower there is a long tunnel that precedes the zone that is not shown on the map.
* Walk to the spot in (K-9) where the ??? is, clear the area of Bats and Weapons, buff and get ready to go.
* Examining the ??? will spawn three Goblin NMs:

* Doglix Muttsnout, a White Mage, who will use Benediction;
* Moxnix Nightgoggle, a Ranger, who will use Eagle Eye Shot; and
* Picklix Longindex, a Thief, who will use Perfect Dodge.

* The Goblins generally can NOT be Slept without Elemental Seal.
* The Ranger will only stand and shoot until low health, so it can safely be left for last as long as you don't move into its melee range.
* The White Mage is easy to kite around the rocks in the big room, as it will frequently stop to cast and is known to be resistant to Stun.
* It is not known if the Thief is stunnable or not.
* So the quester who pops the NMs can easily "superkite" the WHM and RNG around the room with initial aggro while the rest of the party kills the THF. Because the kiter hasn't done anything to claim the kited mobs, a healer can cure them without pulling hate.
* All melees should bring several hi-potions and/or max-potions and wear as much resist fire gear that they can find.
* At low health, the goblins can use back-to-back Bomb Toss and Goblin Rush.
* When all the Goblins are dead, head back to Qufim (re-examining the ??? does not seem to do anything), and upon zoning back to Qufim Island, you will receive a cutscene and, finally, your Fighter's Lorica.
* Calling for help does not work.
* If multiple warriors with this quest active are in the alliance, the NM only have to be fought once.
* If you disconnect during the fight, you will not be able to get the CS. Even if you zone back in quickly and kill the NMs, you will not get it. (This was only discovered solo, it is unclear at this point if you will be unable to get the CS if your party maintains claim on the NMs.)

Borghertz's Warring Hands
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Guslam - Upper Jeuno (H-8)
Requirements: Warrior 50+, Must have started The Talekeeper's Truth quest
Items Needed: Eldieme Coffer Key, Nest Coffer Key, Zvahl Coffer Key
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Reward: Fighter's Mufflers, Fighter's Cuisses, Fighter's Mask

Previous Quest: The Talekeeper's Truth
Next Quest: None

* Speak to Guslam at H-8 in Upper Jeuno in the Durable Shields shop and accept the quest.

The Hands
* You'll have to head to Eldieme Necropolis and open a coffer there:
* Obtain a Eldieme Coffer Key
* Open a coffer in Eldieme Necropolis and obtain the Old Gauntlets (key item).
* If you are reacquiring AF or getting AF for another job, skip this portion and proceed to the next step. If this is your first job, do the following:
* Head back to Upper Jeuno and talk to Guslam again, who will tell you he lacks the skill to repair them.
* Deadly Minnow, behind the counter in the same shop as Guslam, will tell you to find a Mithra at the Tenshodo for more information.
* Go to Lower Jeuno and go into the Tenshodo to talk to Yin Pocanakhu at J-8. Pay her 1,000 gil to hear her story.
* Head to Port Jeuno, go downstairs into the Auction House area, and find a ??? on some crates outside the Jeuno Duty-Free Shop (H-8).
* Click on the ??? for a cutscene and ask to have the gloves repaired.
* Go to F-8 in Castle Zvahl Baileys and touch one of the torches to spawn Dark Spark.
* Kill Dark Spark.
* Touch the torch again (make sure you touch the same torch you used to spawn him) to receive the Shadow Flames (key item).
* If other players in the party also need this key item, they can touch the torch as well - you don't have to fight him for each person.
* Head back to Port Jeuno and click on the ??? at the toolbox for a cutscene. This completes the quest.

The Rest
* Guslam mentions something about armor scattered about Vana'diel. You can find two more pieces of armor by simply opening coffers in the following zones:
* Castle Zvahl Baileys: Fighter's Cuisses
* Crawlers' Nest: Fighter's Mask
* You must have WAR as your main job when you open these coffers.

* You must have started The Talekeeper's Truth (AF2) before you can start this quest.
* If you have any other Borghertz's Hands quest active you will need to complete that one before you can get this quest.
* After starting the quest, you can obtain the rewards in any order.
* The quest is marked complete upon obtaining the gloves.

(Note: Double Attack+1%)

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