Friday, December 19, 2008

Thief AF Guide

Special Thanks to Erahdel

Rogue's Bonnet (54):
Talk to Nanaa Mihgo (Windy Woods) who asks you what letter was on your envelope from the Tenshodo. The correct answer is V. She will then ask you to deliver two envelopes and get them signed again by 2 thieves from Atalbartle's Rogue Gang. Her lackies tell you there are in Sauromugue Champaign and the Goblin Shop in Lower Jeuno.
Part 1: Getting the first letter signed
Climb a tower at (I-7)/(J-7) in Sauromugue Champaign where the thief you need to sign the letter is hiding. To do this you need a Grapnel. This grapnel is aquired by fighting Climbpix Highrise which is spawned by touching one of the ??? found at the base of all 6 of the towers in Sauromugue Champaign. The tower that spawns this NM is completely random. One of these towers can only be reached by going through Garlaige Citadel and the banishing gates.
The battle with Climbpix Highrise is fairly hard. You will want a party geared toward magic damage. He is a thief type goblin and will use Perfect Dodge at about 1/2 health. His evasion is crazy and he hits pretty hard. 1 PLD 1 WHM 3 BLM and yourself are my personal recomendation at level 53. However, most smart people will bring a lvl 60+ friend or 2 to ensure victory. When you, lot on the Grapnel and head to the tower at I-7. You will need to un-equip all your stuff and trade the Grapnel to the ???. You will get a nice little cutscene which results in your first letter being signed.
Part 2a: Gambling with Goblins
Go to Muckvix's Junk Shop in Lower Jeuno. Talk to Sniggnix who will want to play a game of dice. You must beat him and then he will tell you to go Dangruf Wadi to play dice against the Dangruf Trio for the Regal Die. You must beat these guys in a dice game all in row. If you lose to any of them, you have to start all over and talk to the first guy. Also, everytime you play one of them you must give up an item. You must win all 3 without losing, in this order, with the listed items:
1) Saltnix
Item: Rock Salt (Wadi Crab) Directions: Trade the Rock Salt to the ??? at the eastern part of (F-7)
2) Grasslix
Item: Gaussbit Grass (Wadi Hare) Directions: Trade the Gaussbit Grass to the ??? at (F-4), near the entrance to the tunnel.
3) Eggvix
Item: Lizard Egg (Steam Lizard) Directions: Go thru a false wall at F-11. Drop down the hole right before a Cermet door in this hallway and head South. In the corner right before you will be a ???. Trade your Lizard Egg to it and hope you win.
Part 2b: The battle with Gambilox Wanderling, gather your party
Gather your party of 6+ people level 53+ and head to the Drachenfall Ravine from the North Gustaberg exit of Dangruf Wadi at J-3. Stay on the South side of the river and head towards the waterfall. Near the base of the waterfall is a ??? that pops the NM. Gambilox Wanderling doesn't have the evasion that Climbpix had, but she pretty much spams bomb toss and goblin rush and hits hard. If you have a decent BLM, he'll just stun the goblin in the middle of these fits. After you defeat Gambilox Wanderling, click on the same ??? and you get your "Regal Die" and a cutscene. Trade your newly aquired "Regal Die" to Sniggnix in Jeuno and you'll get an interesting cutscene that ultimately results in your 2nd letter geting signed. Now head back to Nanaa Mihgo.

Rogue's Armlets (52):
Monastic Cavern then Dark Spark
use Thief's Tools (living keys, etc)
Rogue's Culotte (56):
Castle Oztroja
use Thief's Tools; Yagudo Conducters, Yagudo Flagellants, Yagudo Prelates
Rogue's Vest (58):
Castle Zvahl Keep
use Thief's Tools; Ahriman's, Arch Demons, Blood Demons, and Doom Demons

Rogue's Poulaines (60:
Nanaa Mihgowill request two more thief signatures. Yatniel in the Jewelry Store in Lower Jeuno will request 4 Quake Grenades for the signature. Next, Hagain in Mhaura wants you to kill a bomb in Garliage and bring back the drop. There are ???'s all over Garliage, find 7 of them and go to each one in the proper order. Be sure to pay attention to the cutscene after you touch the first ??? as it will tell you if the next spot is North, east, west, or south. Don't worry if you do one out of order because it won't do anything and you WON'T have to start over. You will get a cutscene after you touch each ???. On the 7th, Chandelier appears. Do NOT pull it with magic otherwise the item will not drop. If it explodes, you will not get the drop so be sure to have stunners ready. Kill it and lot its drop which you take to Hagain. A single PT of 55+ can do the bomb.
Naana Mihgo then sends you to Ordelle's caves to find a ??? and your reward. Bring a pickaxehead inside Ordelle's to where the Stroper Chymes and key mobs spawn. Take the exit on this map because the ??? is actually in La Theine Plateau about 15 seconds after you zone out of Ordelle's. Use the pickaxe on it to get the Rogue's Poulaines.

Maruders Knife (40):
Nanaa Mihgo will tell you to go to Jeuno. You will get the key item "Letter from the Tenshodo".
You must have the Tenshodo Membership quest done, or have a Tenshodo Invite to continue with this quest.
Talk to Harnek at (J-7) just inside the HQ and watch a cutscene where you and several other thieves are given envelopes and sent out to find old members of a legendary band of thieves. Your particular assignment is to find a Galka thief in Selbina. You will get the key item "Tenshodo Envelope".
Travel to Selbina and talk to Elfriede (J-9) of the Shepherd's Muster Inn. This will trigger another cutscene with Sneaking Tiger, who says he'll gladly sign your envelope if you prove yourself worthy by bringing him a Quadav Stew.
Quadav Stew can only be stolen from some specific Quadav : Head to Beadeaux and steal from Garnet Quadavs, Silver Quadavs, Zircon Quadavs, and Bronze Quadavs until you obtain the Quadav Stew.
Thief as a sub job on a high level job will work also.
You can steal the Stew before travelling to Selbina. My Thief friend was 1/2, I was 1/5.
Once you get the Quadav Stew, go back to Selbina, trade the stew to Elfriede and the Galka will reappear.
You will receive the key item "Signed Envelope".
Head back to Lower Jeuno and talk to Harnek for a final cutscene and to receive your reward.

Note: You do not need to go to Selbina twice, you can just get the Quadav Stew before going there and do the talk and trade at the same time.

(Note: Flee duration +15 seconds)

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