Thursday, December 18, 2008

Red Mage AF Guide

Special thanks to Erahdel

Red Mage AF1 Fencing Degen
Talk to Sharzalion at the bar in the Lion Springs Tavern. He wants some Orcish Dry Food.
To get this food, you need to get a key to open the Storage Hole which spawns randomly about Davoi.
You need to start this quest while being a Red Mage, but there's no need to fight the NM and attain the key item on Red Mage.
Travel to Davoi and defeat Purpleflash Brukdok around (E-9)/(F-9). He will drop the Davoi Storage Key.
Purpleflash Brukdok pops automatically every few minutes (about 5 to 10 min between spawns). If he is not there when you arrive, wait a little while. It should be soloable with any job level 60 or higher, and don't forget buffs like Shell, as it will attack you with several -ga spells and possibly use Manafont. Other orcs spawn in that area and they will link with the NM.
Note: there are a few orcs on the way that aggro even at 75, also all nearby orcs linked SMN75's Garuda fighting the NM.
Note: coming /NIN for the NM greatly helps. He spams Bio, Poison, Sleep that minimize risk of death.
The Storage Hole spawns randomly around Davoi, so just hunt around until you find it. There are patterns on the ground which identify potential spawn positions. The patterns look like someone stretched animal skins over a hole in the ground, except that they are the same colors as the ground. There are 4 "skins" in a pattern forming a rough circle divided into 4 quadrants with a fifth small "skin" covering the middle. Trade the key to it to receive the Orcish Dry Food (key item). The location changes each game day and disappears upon trading the Davoi Storage Key.
Some known locations of the Storage Hole are at (F-6), (G-9), (G-10), (K-10), (E-10), (F-7), (K-7), (I-7), (F-9), (K-9), and another at (J-8). There are other locations it can spawn in, anywhere on the map.
It is possible for the Storage Hole to spawn on top of the hill at (H-8), which is only accessable via the Monastic Cavern.
Once you have obtained the Orcish Dry Food, talk to Sharzalion to receive your Fencing Degen.

Red Mage AF 2 (One Who Dwells in Darkness)
Requirements: Must be a Red Mage of Level 50 +; Must have completed "The Crimson Ordeal"

The quest begins with Curilla in Chateau d'Oraguille. When you speak to her, she asks you to investigate the spirit in the Cathedral in North San d'Oria, she will give you the Key Item "An Old Pocketwatch". Go to the Cathedral in North San d'Oria, and go to the basement. Talk to Pagisalis there, and he will tell you that in order to pray, you must donate a "Square of Velvet Cloth", this is created from Weaving tradeskill, and is also buyable at the AH (Ran about 3k on Sylph). When you give him the cloth, you will see an event, and you will obtain "Old Boots". Return to Curilla, and you will see another event. During the event, Prince Trion will tell you, that the only way to exorcize the boots, is to bury them in a Crawler's Nest with Crawler's Blood, for a period of time. Curilla will then ask you to do this in her stead. Once you agree, go to Crawler's Nest. There kill Blazer Beatles, Mushussu, Rumble Crawlers and Exorays for a "Nest Chest Key" (These are all VT-IT to 45, but are easily doable with a single full PT, you MAY even be able to get some people camping the Exorays for Limit 1 quest to give you an extra key if they have them rotting). Then, open any Treasure Chest in Crawler's Nest (2 Notes: a. Treasure Chest NOT Treasure Coffer, they are completely different; b. You can not do this until AFTER Prince Trion tells you you need Crawler's Blood. If you do it before, you will only get the normal chest items). The Treasure chest will yield Key Item "Crawler's Blood". From there, go to I-10 of the North Crawlers Nest Map and find the ???. When you click on the ???, it will ask if you like to bury the Boots and Blood. Say yes, and then wait till the next RL day, in JST (Or after 10 AM EST). Click on the ??? again, and you will complete the quest and receive Warlock Boots.

Red Mage AF Gloves (The Vermillion Armguard of Bergholz)
Requirements: Must be a Red Mage of level 50+; Must have completed "The Crimson Ordeal" and "One Who Dwells in Darkness".

This quest begins with Guslam, in Upper Jeuno, Armor Shop. When you speak with him, you will see an event, in which he will tell you that Bergholz once created a set of unrivaled gloves for every job, and that they were lost after the Great War. He also tells you that a great many artifacts and great pieces of armor were lost then as well. **
From there, go to The Eldieme Necropolis. Kill Tomb Mages, Tomb Warriors, Haunts and Spriggans until you get an Eldieme Coffer Key (Note: This part is horrible, the undead are very tough, almost killing a full 56 PT, and they were only VT-IT; I strongly recommend, bringing an alliance and getting the key for everyone that needs it at once, as several jobs require it including PLD, BLM and WHM, just so you NEVER have to return). Once you have the coffer key, open any Coffer in Eldieme to recieve Key Item "Old Gloves". When you have the gloves, return to Gulsam, and he will tell you he is unable to repair the gloves. From there, go to Tenshodo Headquarters in lower Jeuno. Talk to the Mithra there (Sorry I don't recall the name, but its the only one there), and she will tell you, that for 1000 gil, she will tell you where Bergholz' tool box is. When you pay the gil, she tells you, so head to Port Jeuno, and click on the ??? in front of the Duty Free Shop. You will see an event, in which Bergholz will ask if you wish to commission a pair of gloves. Say yes, and he will ask you to return with the gloves and "Black Flames" from Castle Zvhal. Go to Castle Zvhal, and from there, go to straight up the main path, and when you come to a cross roads go straight. You will see a gate, and there will be a "Torch" there. Click on the "Torch" and Dark Spark spawns. Kill it, and then click on the "Torch" again to receive Key Item "Black Flame" (2 notes again on this a. Everyone who needs "Black Flame" can click on the torch to receive it, so killing Dark Spark will accomplish this for as many people that participate; b. Dark Spark is not very difficult. In fact, the Undead in Eldieme for the Coffer key were signifigantly harder, a solid group of 54 will have no problems with him). Once you have the "Black Flame" return to Port Jeuno, click on the ??? in front of the Duty Free Shop again, and Bergholz will appear again, and give you Warlock Gloves, and complete the quest.

Red Mage AF Tights
Requirements: Must be a Red Mage of level 50+; Must have completed "The Crimson Ordeal"; "One Who Dwells in Darkness"; and to have accepted the quest "The Vermillion Armguard of Bergholz".

Once you have completed the section under "The Vermillion Armguard of Bergholz" I notated with a **. Go to Garlaige Citidel, and there, kill Fallen Major's, Fallen Mages, Wraith's, Hellmines, Over Weapons, Vault Weapons, Magic Jugs or Tainted Flesh to receive a Garlaige Coffer Key. When you have that, open any Coffer within Garlaige Citidel, and you will receive Warlock's Tights.

Red Mage AF Tabbard
Requirements: Must be a Red Mage of level 50+; Must have completed "The Crimson Ordeal"; "One Who Dwells in Darkness"; and to have accepted the quest "The Vermillion Armguard of Bergholz".

Once you have completed the section under "The Vermillion Armguard of Bergholz" I notated with a **. Go to Castle Oztroja, and there, kill Yagudo Flagellent, Yagudo Prelate, Yagudo Conductor, or Yagudo Assassins to receive an Oztroja Coffer Key. When you have that, open any Coffer within Castle Oztroja, and you will receive Warlock's Tabbard.

Red Mage AF 3 (Peace for the Spirit)
Requirements: Must be a Red Mage of Level 50 +; Must have completed "The Crimson Ordeal" and "One Who Dwells in Darkness".

The quest, again begins with Curilla in Chateau d'Oraguille. She will ask you to continue your investigation on what had happened to Raimenard, her father. From there, go to Sharzalion in South San d'Oria again, and he will tell you, that the only way to speak with a spirit that he knows of, is too dangerous. This however does not stop his friend behind the bar from telling you how to do it, because he wants to hear a good story! You will be told that the only way is to throw an old coin into the Fountain in the ruins of Fei'Yin. Fei'Yin is located far to the North, at the Northern end of the Beaucidine Glacier. Once there, proceed north until you get to the large, central Fountain Room, which is at (H-8) on the first floor. In this room, there is a Notorious Monster named Miser Murphy. He spawns, every time a Red Mage that is at that point in the quest enters that room. (If you are going to kill him enough times for every Red Mage, make sure they all are at that point in the quest, or else he will stop spawning). Miser Murphy is about level 60ish, is a normal Ghost style monster, and is doable with about 6-12 level 60+. He is not very difficult, but can be rather....obnoxious. Be very careful though, he does cast Ancient Spells, and can attack with an added effect Drain, that does 500 damage, make 100% certain the tank is being healed constantly. Also watch your levels...the room is full of Revenants and Clockwork Pods which you do not want them to agro you. When you kill Miser Murphy, it drops an Ancient Coin. Trade the coin to the point at the North end of the fountain, also in (H-8). You will be treated to another event.
After the event, return to Sharzalion and tell him what you saw. Then speak with his friend behind the bar again. You will be told, that they can not help you further, but maybe one of the other patrons can. If you speak to the Galka in the same bar, he will tell you, that while he was exploring Garlaige Citidel, that he came upon a strange box, that he was unable to open, however with a Nail Puller, you may be able to open it.
Now, head to Garlaige Citidel, bring alot of friends with you for this though, as this part can be rough. Immediately behind the first Banishing Gate, in the rooms right there, you will find an Oaken Box. Clear all the Undead from those rooms before you examine it though. When you do, Guardian Statue will spawn. It is recomended to have about 18 Level 55's or about 12 Level 60s for this part. Guardian Statue is a "Doll" type model, it CAN explode like a bomb, but I don't recall seeing this one do so. It also has an AE attack that does about 200-300 damage to everyone around. When it is dead, it will drop a "Nail Puller", trade this to the Oaken Box, and you will see yet another event. Return to North San d'Oria at this point. As soon as you enter North San d'Oria, you will witness another event, complete the quest, and receive your Chapaou. Also, for an added bonus, you get the new title "Paragon of Red Mage Excellence".
Garlaige Citadel(Trousers)-
The coffer key to this one is no brainer, the mobs are pretty easy to get to and pretty easy to kill.
The coffer is always gonna be behind a banishing gate so you're gonna need to bring a pt and open the gates. I would recommend you have your pt open one of the gates and if you can't find the coffer behind the one you go thru, logout there and come back an hour or so later and search again.
Eldieme Necropolis(Gloves)-
Bringing an alliance is a really really BAD idea.
The reason is you will be fighting skeleton mobs and when they do thier AOE drain, if there are 10 ppl meleeing it, it will gain back 100% HP so your gonna be fighting it forever and wasting tons of mp on heals. Also you need to sneak pretty far into the necropolis to get to the camp spots and moving 18 people around is quite a daunting task. You're gonna want to keep the number of people going to a bare minimum. What I would personally recomend is an XP pt configuration of lvl 55ish. If you can, bring a monk or even better two of them (THF subbing monks works GREAT too), you will beat skeleton mobs down in record time with 2 hand-to-hand users. The best camp spot is to goto the southern-most room on the 1st floor of necro (have someone open doors with switches) then drop into center hole and hug the wall to your left until you get to a stairway, then pull tomb skeletons from inside the rooms @ the top of the stairs. (you will have to clear liches away 1st but they are EP/DC to 55+.
Castle Oztroja(Body)-
A balanced pt of 55+ can get this, the problem is the lack of safe pulling spots. A good alternative method for getting this if you have time/patience is to camp in Castle Oztroja and do /sea until you see a lvl 70 ninja come in. (usually JP) Quite often, JP NINs will come into castle oz to solo Yagudo Assassins for thier limit5 Ninja Testimony. The assassins also drop coffer keys so send them /tells and ask if you can be thier healer/haster in exchange for keeping any coffer key drops. They will usually say ok, so all you gotta do is keep them healed and buffed while they bash away at assassins and usually a coffer key will drop before a testimony does. I found this method to be alot easier than bringing a PT because you're gonna be the only one needing the key.
The coffer in here is a real bitch to get cuz of all the thieves camping astral rings, I would recommend just running around for a few hours and hoping you run into it before a THF does.

(Note: spellcastine time -10% spell recast time -5%)

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