Friday, December 19, 2008

Scholar AF Guide

On Sabbatical
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Erlene - The Eldieme Necropolis (S) (J-8)
Requirements: Scholar level 40+
Items Needed: None
Title: None
Repeatable: Yes, by erasing AF memoryVerification Needed
Reward: Klimaform

Previous Quest: A Little Knowledge
Next Quest: Downward Helix

* Go to The Eldieme Necropolis (S) and talk to Erlene for a cutscene. You'll be given the key item Ulbrecht's Sealed Letter.
* Go to Bastok Markets (S) and talk to Gentle Tiger by the entrance to Metalworks (H-6) for a cutscene with Nicolaus.
* Go to Pashhow Marshlands (S) and click the "Indescript Markings" at the northwest corner of (E-11) for another cutscene. You'll receive the key item Schultz's Sealed Letter.
* Go back to The Eldieme Necropolis (S) and talk to Erlene for a final cutscene to complete the quest and receive your reward.

Note: After accepting the quest as Scholar, everything else can be done with any other Job active.

Downward Helix
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Erlene - The Eldieme Necropolis (S) (J-8)
Requirements: Scholar Level 50+
Items Needed: Ulbrecht's Mortarboard
Title: None
Repeatable: No
Reward: Scholar's Bracers

Previous Quest: On Sabbatical
Next Quest: Seeing Blood-red

* Talk to Erlene to begin the quest (wait until next game day and zone after completing On Sabbatical.)
* Erlene sends you to Southern San d'Oria (S) to gather information from a council. You will receive a cutscene upon zoning into Southern San d'Oria (S).
* After the cutscene, travel back to The Eldieme Necropolis (S) and talk to Erlene.
* Zone into Sauromugue Champaign (S) from Rolanberry Fields (S) for a cutscene.
* Examine the Indescript Markings at the southeastern section of (J-7) in Sauromugue Champaign (S) for a cutscene (not obtainable during earth weather). You will receive the key item Ulbrecht's Mortarboard.
* Return to Erlene for the final cutscene and your reward.

Note: You only need to be on Scholar for the first cutscene. The rest of them you can be on any job.

Seeing Blood-red
From FFXIclopedia, the free Final Fantasy XI encyclopedia

Start NPC: Erlene - The Eldieme Necropolis (S) (J-8)
Requirements: Scholar Level 50+
Items Needed: Unaddressed Sealed Letter, Porting Magic Transcript
Title: Summa Cum Laude
Repeatable: No
Reward: Scholar's Mortarboard

Previous Quest: Downward Helix
Next Quest: Survival of the Wisest

* Talk to Erlene on sch job to begin the quest. (You will need to wait until next game day and zone after completing Downward Helix.)
* Return to the Indescript Markings at E-11 of Pashhow Marshlands (S). You will obtain an Unaddressed Sealed Letter.
* Return to Erlene for a cutscene.
* Read the Unaddressed Sealed Letter key item. Then talk to Erlene again to obtain a Porting Magic Transcript.
* Travel to Grauberg (S) and investigate the blank spot at E-10. You can find it in a cave entered at F-10.
o Beware of the Grauberg Hippogryphs, for they have True Sight and will aggro a level 75 player.
* Inspect the Indescript Markings nearby to enter the BCNM.
o Only the party leader can transport the party into the arena, so lead must be passed to someone that currently has the quest active to enter.
* After completing the BCNM, return to Erlene for your reward.
o If you fail the BCNM, Erlene will give you another Porting Magic Transcript, but will ask for a Sheet of Vellum in exchange.

* You will be transported to the Ruhotz Silvermines for a battlefield event against Ulbrecht.
o You may get a message stating, "The hands of darkness prevent you from proceeding," after being checked to enter the battle. Originally thought to be held back due to a campaign battle, but entry was allowed shortly after still during the battle.
* Will cast the following spells: Regen II, Cure IV, Protect III, Shell III, Drain, Aspir, Dispel, Sleep, and all Tier III elemental nukes.
* Attacks with a dagger. Deals ~50 damage against average defense.
* Every minute, he will use a random Dark Arts Stratagem. These Stratagems do not wear off when he casts a spell, and last for the minute until he uses another one.
* His Stratagems are stronger versions of players' Stratagems. Alacrity will make his spells instant cast, Manifestation will make all of his spells Area of Effect, and Ebullience will significantly boost his elemental and healing magics.
* Is immune to Silence and Resists Sleep (BLM was able to land Sleep II first time without ES; 2nd and 3rd times required ES..) Other status effects, including Stun, seem to have a normal chance for landing.
* At 50% HP, he will use Tabula Rasa. While under its effect, his Stratagems do not wear off, allowing him to cast spells under the simultaneous effect of all of his Stratagems.
* At around 15% HP, he gives up and the battle ends.

The Rest:

Scholar Loafers:

*Speak to Loussaire at G-10 in Bastok Markets (S) and choose the Scholar's Loafers. (Wait one game day and zone if you have previously completed this quest for another piece of armor.) Must be SCH to activate the first time from Loussaire, after first activation can be on any job for remaining items.
* Loussaire will ask for the following key items:
o Rafflesia Dreamspit - Obtained from Indescript Markings located at I-9/H-8/G-7(crossing point of 3 ways in south-western part of this quadrant) /I-10/H-5/G-5 in Fort Karugo-Narugo (S)
* Note: The markings are on the outside portion of the map, not in the fort itself.
* Note: Checking the Indescript Markings will cause sneak to wear and the markings will jump each time it is checked.
o Drogarogan Bonemeal - Obtained from Indescript Markings located at the southwesternmost corner of E-7 in Meriphataud Mountains (S) on the south side of Drogaroga's Spine. If you are the side where the Gnats roam, you are on the wrong side. You will see Scolopendrid on the way to the right side of the southern end.
*Only appears in the day from 7:00-17:00 game time.
*Does not appear during dusty weather.
*Seems to only appear when the south side of the crystal vein has sunlight.
*Does not disappear when checked allowing multiple SCH to receive the bonemeal at the same time.
*Dissapears during campaign battle
o You will not get a cut scene, but you will instantly lose sneak and invisible upon collecting the item. Keep this in mind if there is any nearby aggro.
o Key items can be obtained on any job after activating the quest.

Scholar Pants:

*Speak to Loussaire at G-10 in Bastok Markets (S) and choose the Scholar's Pants. (Wait one game day and zone if you have previously completed this quest for another piece of armor.) Must be SCH to activate the first time from Loussaire, after first activation can be on any job for remaining items.
* Loussaire will ask for the following key items:
o Slug Mucus - Obtained from Indescript Markings at J-6/G-6/K-5(southeastern part on a rock)/I-6/I-7 in Pashhow Marshlands (S)
*Does not pop during Rainy or Stormy Weather.
*Changes location on Weather changes and jumps after it's selected during this quest.
o Djinn Ember - Obtained from Indescript Markings at D-11 in Vunkerl Inlet (S)
*Spawns on top of the fire in the middle of the Ignis Djinns between the ??? and the gate to Jugner Forest (S) (D-11).
*Appears in windy or clear weather. Indescript Markings are noted to disappear when the time hits 6:00AM. You must wait for 16:00 or windy weather to appear in the area.

Scholar Gown:

*Speak to Loussaire at G-10 in Bastok Markets (S) and choose the Scholar's Gown. (Wait one game day and zone if you have previously completed this quest for another piece of armor.) Must be SCH to activate the first time from Loussaire, after first activation can be on any job for remaining items.
* Loussaire will ask for the following key items:
o Sample of Gaurberg Chert - Obtained from Indescript Markings in Grauberg (S) in the center of D-8 on one of the rock pillars that are in a circle. (This only appears in when weather is windy.)
*If you have to wait for windy weather to appear again, you can wait safely in the center of the rock pillar circle until windy weather appears again but beware the Ajattara that are near in case they wander too close.
o Peiste Dung - Obtained from Indescript Markings in the southern parts of Pashhow Marshlands (S) at the I-10, H-10, J-9, J-10, K-8, K-9 and K-10 positions. The markings do not spawn during rainy weather and will move after someone with the quest active checks them.
o Start on the road at the North of K-9 and follow the road to H-9 using tab and you will follow the markings just off of the road.
* Key items can be obtained on any job after activating the quest.

(Note: increases the magic accuracy for spells of the same element as the current weather)

(Note: rate at which HP lost and MP stored is increased to 3 per tick)

(Note: reduces casting time by 9% and recast time by 5%
"Grimoire":means whenver either light arts or dark arts is active)

(Note: Enfeebling magic skill +15, Healing magic skill +15, Divine Magic skill+15, enhancing magic skill +15)

(Note: Enfeebling magic skill +15, Elemental Magic skill +15, Dark magic skill +15)

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